•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

2008 vs. 2009...this ends NOW.


It's simples *squeek*

Belgrade 2008 5 vote(s) 45.5%
Moscow 2009 6 vote(s) 54.5%
  1. The debate has raged on since the beginning of the 2009 season and I think it's about time we settled things once and for all.

    Song Quality
    Andorra: 2008
    Albania: 2009
    Armenia: 2008
    Azerbaijan: 2009
    Bosnia & Herzegovina: 2009
    Belgium: 2008
    Bulgaria: 2008
    Belarus: 2009
    Switzerland: 2008
    Cyprus: 2009
    Czech Republic: 2008
    Germany: 2008
    Denmark: 2009
    Estonia: 2009
    Spain: 2009
    Finland: 2009
    France: 2008
    Greece: 2008
    Croatia: 2008
    Hungary: 2008
    Ireland: 2008
    Israel: 2008
    Iceland: Draw - both epic
    Lithuania: Draw - both shite
    Latvia: 2008
    Moldova: 2009
    Montenegro: 2009
    FYR Macedonia: 2008
    Malta: 2008
    Holland: 2008
    Norway: 2008
    Poland: 2008
    Portugal: 2009
    Romania: 2008
    Serbia: 2008
    Russia: 2008
    Sweden: 2008
    Slovenia: 2008
    Turkey: 2008
    Ukraine: 2008

    National Final Quality Overall: 2008
    Postcards: 2008
    Hosts: 2008
    Stage: 2008
    Scoreboard: 2008
    Pre-event Excitement: 2008

    There really is only ONE WINNER for me...what about you? :o
  2. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    2009 BY FAR, pour moi.

    Everything about 2009 was better imo, song quality, show presentation, quality, the sheer size of the whole thing. Basically as Grahame Norton kept saying, Moscow was the Beijing Olympics of Eurovision .. the largest one yet and probably the largest we're gonna see for a while :)

    But, I know that eurovision shouldnt' be based purely on size, as Athens is one of my favourites and they had one of the smallest budgets in recent years. But Moscow was just WOW.

    Although don't get me wrong, Belgrade was also good. For a small country like Serbia to host such a huge event was pretty impressive, not to mention they put in so much thought into the stage and concept of the show where Moscow maybe didn't. The Moscow stage was huge and unbelievable but a tad ugly. :) Still, Helsinki remains my favourite stage ever :)

    But yes overall, 2009 :D

    Mon list:
    Albania: 2008 (well durrrr) :D
    Andorra: 2009
    Armenia: 2008
    Azerbaijan: 2009
    Belarus: 2009
    Belgium: 2009
    Bosnia: 2009
    Bulgaria: 2009 *Goes without saying!*
    Croatia: 2009
    Cyprus: 2009
    Denmark: 2009
    Estonia: 2009
    Finland: 2009
    France: 2008
    FYROM: 2009 (I'm sorry :o)
    Germany: 2009
    Greece: 2008
    Hungary: 2008
    Iceland: 2009
    Ireland: 2009 :D
    Israel: 2009
    Latvia: 2008 (I have a soft spot for this song! :D)
    Lithuania: 2009
    Malta: 2009
    Moldova: 2008
    Montenegro: 2009 (But they were both shite)
    Holland: 2008
    Norway: 2008 (Although i'm not a huge fan of either)
    Poland: 2009
    Portugal: 2009
    Romania: 2009
    Russia: 2008
    Serbia: 2008
    Slovenia: 2008
    Spain: 2009
    Sweden: 2008
    Switzerland: 2009
    Turkey: 2008
    Ukraine: 2009
    United Kingdom: 2009

    NF Quality: 2009
    Stage: 2009
    Hosts: 2009
    Scoreboard: 2009
    Postcards 2008 (Although 2009's were more modern)

    There is quite obviously a clear winner :D
  3. Mina Member with a "past"

    2009 by far. Although I loved the 2008 winner and couldn't stand the 2009 winner, there were many songs I liked in 2009, many more than in 2008..which is why I voted for almost 10 songs in the final:o
  4. Song Quality
    Andorra: 2009
    Albania: 2008
    Armenia: 2009
    Azerbaijan: 2009 – both very good
    Bosnia & Herzegovina: 2008 – both very good
    Belgium: 2009
    Bulgaria: 2009
    Belarus: 2009
    Switzerland: 2008 – both very good
    Cyprus: 2009
    Czech Republic: 2008
    Germany: 2009
    Denmark: 2009
    Estonia: 2009
    Spain: 2009
    Finland: 2009
    France: 2008
    Greece: 2008
    Croatia: 2009
    Hungary: 2008
    Ireland: 2009
    Israel: 2009
    Iceland: 2008
    Lithuania: 2009
    Latvia: 2008
    Moldova: 2008
    Montenegro: 2009
    FYR Macedonia: 2009
    Malta: 2008
    Holland: 2008
    Norway: 2008
    Poland: 2009
    Portugal: 2009
    Romania: 2009
    Serbia: 2008
    Russia: 2008
    Sweden: 2008
    Slovenia: 2009
    Turkey: 2008
    Ukraine: 2009

    Postcards: 2008
    Hosts: 2008
    Stage: 2008
  5. c1ask0 Napkin of death holder

    Song Quality
    Andorra: 2009
    Albania: 2009
    Armenia: 2009
    Azerbaijan: 2008
    Bosnia & Herzegovina: 2008
    Belgium: 2009
    Bulgaria: 2008
    Belarus: 2009
    Switzerland: 2009
    Cyprus: 2009
    Czech Republic: 2008
    Germany: 2009
    Denmark: 2008
    Estonia: 2009
    Spain: 2008
    Finland: 2009
    France: 2009
    Greece: 2009
    Croatia: 2009
    Hungary: 2009
    Ireland: 2008
    Israel: 2008
    Iceland: 2009
    Lithuania: 2009
    Latvia: 2008
    Moldova: 2009
    Montenegro: 2009
    FYR Macedonia: 2008
    Malta: 2008
    Holland: 2008
    Norway: 2008
    Poland: 2008
    Portugal: 2008
    Romania: 2009
    Serbia: 2008
    Russia: 2009
    Sweden: 2009
    Slovenia: 2009
    Turkey: 2008
    Ukraine: 2009

    National Final Quality Overall: N/A (I didn't follow the National Finals)
    Postcards: 2009
    Hosts: 2008
    Stage: 2009
    Scoreboard: 2009
    Pre-event Excitement: 2009 (although this is unfair because I didn't follow ESC08 at all until realising the semi-final was on one day)
  6. c1ask0 Napkin of death holder

    Song Quality
    Andorra: 2009
    Albania: 2009
    Armenia: 2009
    Azerbaijan: 2008
    Bosnia & Herzegovina: 2008
    Belgium: 2009
    Bulgaria: 2008
    Belarus: 2009
    Switzerland: 2009
    Cyprus: 2009
    Czech Republic: 2008
    Germany: 2009
    Denmark: 2008
    Estonia: 2009
    Spain: 2008
    Finland: 2009
    France: 2009
    United Kingdom: 2009
    Greece: 2009
    Croatia: 2009
    Hungary: 2009
    Ireland: 2008
    Israel: 2008
    Iceland: 2009
    Lithuania: 2009
    Latvia: 2008
    Moldova: 2009
    Montenegro: 2009
    FYR Macedonia: 2008
    Malta: 2008
    Holland: 2008
    Norway: 2008
    Poland: 2008
    Portugal: 2008
    Romania: 2009
    Serbia: 2008
    Russia: 2009
    Sweden: 2009
    Slovenia: 2009
    Turkey: 2008
    Ukraine: 2009

    National Final Quality Overall: N/A (I didn't follow the National Finals)
    Postcards: 2009
    Hosts: 2008
    Stage: 2009
    Scoreboard: 2009
    Pre-event Excitement: 2009 (although this is unfair because I didn't follow ESC08 at all until realising the semi-final was on one day)

    Anyone who dares diss 2009, beware! :o
  7. kotsios Call me Kots. Potter Kots

    Song Quality
    Andorra: 2009
    Albania: 2009
    Armenia: 2009
    Azerbaijan: 2008
    Bosnia & Herzegovina: 2008
    Belgium: 2008
    Bulgaria: 2008
    Belarus: 2009
    Switzerland: 2008
    Cyprus: 2009
    Czech Republic: 2008
    Germany: 2008
    Denmark: 2009
    Estonia: 2009
    Spain: 2008
    Finland: 2009
    France: 2009
    Greece: 2008
    Croatia: 2009
    Hungary: 2008
    Ireland: 2008
    Israel: 2008
    Iceland: 2009
    Lithuania: 2009
    Latvia: 2008
    Moldova: none
    Montenegro: 2009
    FYR Macedonia: 2008
    Malta: 2008
    Holland: 2008
    Norway: 2008
    Poland: 2008
    Portugal: 2008
    Romania: 2008
    Serbia: 2008
    Russia: 2009
    Sweden: 2008
    Slovenia: 2008
    Turkey: 2008
    Ukraine: 2008
    United Kingdom: 2009

    Postcards: 2009
    Hosts: 2008 (I didn't pick 2009 because those of the semi were not good at all)
    Stage: 2008 (small and practical)
    Scoreboard: 2008
    Pre-event Excitement: 2008

    So, I'm the only one (so far) who agrees with Sheep
  8. This is why I love you :D much respect for the Belgrade brigade!!!

    p.s. This thread is about GIVING REASONS why y'all think 200X is better than 200Y, not just simply ticking the box - L00N UP FFS.
  9. CTP Jass hater

    I think it's safest if I don't comment on individual songs and just say I preferred the 2008 contest overall. If you don't hear from me again, that'll be the KGB taking me away...

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