•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Albania 2009


What do you think about Carry me in your dreams?

I love it 2 vote(s) 16.7%
I like it 5 vote(s) 41.7%
It's ok 3 vote(s) 25.0%
I hate it 2 vote(s) 16.7%
  1. Mina Member with a "past"

    Kejsi Tola and Carry me in your dreams..and your opinion is?
    My opinion: it's a very good song and it will do better than most people expect.
  2. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    Its OK, a tad meh :P Although I know one thing, they have one of the most professional and modern preview videos we've seen this year ... in fact no .. in the history of eurovision!! :D
  3. Mark New Member

    I hate it !! Mainly because Besa the Besta was completely robbed !!!!!!!! and it is very cheap and annoying... but the music video is a masterpeice !!!! :D:D
  4. Kevin New Member

    i like the new version, its gone form 80's pop to 90's pop

    but i prefered zona zero - it was like womanizer, but better (coz baldy spears wasnt in it)
  5. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    Yesssssssssssssss I wanted Soni to win aswell :( If they'd have translated that song into english and given it some decent dancers, plus a bit of a musical facelift I think it would of done quite well :D
  6. Kevin New Member

    it was obvious from the start it wouldn't win - it was far too modern for albania - the only pick 1980's stuff

    tbh im supprised they even create anything as modern as that
  7. It's OK. Soni Malaj was my favourite too ;)
  8. Aaron N Moof master

    i think this song is utter arse gravy! (plus the video is rather craptastic) tbh i haven't heard any of the other songs from albania but i'm sure there was a better song in there somewhere.
  9. OK, first of all - Soni Malaj? YUCK Both her and Shpat failed miserably because the jury members (apart from being hideously corrupt and transparent in motives, as with every year) saw they were desperately trying to be modern, almost whore-ish and fitting into the typical ESC-mould. People mocked Kejsi but at least she didn't rely on gimmicks. Albania should have chosen Besa but I'm not going to turn my nose up at a perfectly disco-tastic entry from a country which is all too fond of wailing ballads. In short, I love it :D

    Also, now I think of it, lay off Albania's video :P they aren't a wonderfully rich nation so the fact they've put effort in at all is nice, which is more than you can say for some countries *ahem* NORWAY!!!
  10. MILKshake  

    Maa but that song by soni molaj, zero thingy is too sounds like womanizer
  11. Kevin New Member

    but its better than womanizer, because this version doesnt have baldy spears in it :D

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