•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Almatia #27

  1. Lilly.. Y U NO ALIEN?

    Hello firstly , this is Almatia calling!
    Thank you for the good result I got last edition , I was 12th but ofc its a very good result , I'm satisfied. Congratulations to the winner Inspireland , glad I am able participate in Inspireland as I wasn't here for song submittions the last time Inspireland hosted the contest , and congratulations to the top 5!
    Thank you ll Regno d'Italofilia for the 12 points in the final and sf , and thank you Miasnakan & Sheepmark for the 12 in the semifinal , was really unexpected , thank you everyone . Wow I spoke like a primeminister who appears in a press conference after winning the elections .

    Ok so I'll start with my promo this edition , this edition I decided to send English again , the song is sung by a Christian rock/Hard rock/ Alternative metal band from USA. The song might be a christian rock song but music knows no boundaries. The song carries a very good message , or I think so , it tells not to surrender 'cause no matter what , everything changes . It tells that circumstances make us take different paths sometimes , we're always waiting for that special something or better to say someone . It tells us to wait , cause good things will come sooner or later and sadness isn't the only 'ingredient' of life , it tells to follow our dreams ... well it tells everything just you wait and see , the song is open-minded , everyone can have their opinions about the song whether its about dreams , or god or even someone the singer is waiting for , and the description above is mine , everything I think about it.

    It could be obvious to some of you ,I'm becoming more obvious day by day.
    I don't remember to have ever written such a long promo , and if you made it this far well congratulations and thank you for reading , good luck to everyone!

    With love <3
    MORKMINDY likes this.
  2. MORKMINDY Weird Person :D

    Christian rock/Hard Rock/Alternative, sounds very interesting though I can only think of a few myself...
    Good luck :D
    Lilly.. likes this.

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