•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Am I psychic or what?????????!!!!!!!

  1. Mina Member with a "past"

    OMG I just woke up and looked at the draw and Finland got #24!
    Those who were in the chatroom last night may remember I predicted it and I was right!

    Goooooooo Waldoooooooooooooooooooooo
  2. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch


    I'm well happy Finland got that position though for a two reasons ...
    a) they deserve it cos their song is immense!!!!
    b) its good for the UK to be sandwiched by 2 up tempo songs (romania + finland!)

    Shame Sweden got a bad draw :S BUT after Israel & France, Sweden is going to really make an impact which can only be a good thing!! And Israel are really really unlucky.
  3. Oh right, if you're referring to Finland then yes, you're psychic :P although your nails may beg to differ after last night...:rolleyes:

    But because I'm such a wonderful c*nt I have to take this opportunity to tell you and Jonny to go suck lemons :D Iceland not only qualified but did it in style and the general consensus is Yohanna was the best of the night :P plus (mostly referring to Jonny here) neither Iceland nor Portugal got lost or forgotten and the crap-attack entries (FYR Macedonia, Belarus, Bulgaria etc...) got exactly what they deserved - fuck all.
  4. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    ROFL!!! OK we were wrong, and admittedly, Yohanna's vocals were fantastic!! (Hearing them in rehearsals I thought they'd be weak) I'm still surprised Portugal didn't get forgotten, but not unhappy about it, and I think they could do very well in the final with the 50% jury vote.

    BUT You're wrong in saying Belarus and FYROM didn't deserve anything!!! Petr gave one of the best vocal performances of the night and on stage Belarus was fantastic, and FYROM meanwhile did also give a solid performance. I think Belarus deserved to be in the final & alot of people agree with me :D
  5. Erm, no :P still not convinced! I did have a sneaking suspicion that Belarus would qualify, but I'm now thinking they came 10th in televoting and Israel/Portugal/someone...stole their place (and quite rightly so). The only good thing about FYR Macedonia was it made me appreciate how fookin' awesome H.E.A.T were and how they too would have been fookin' awesome if they had gone to Moscow!

    On another note, I'm rather worried about Ireland tomorrow :( however, should it come to a last envelope scenario between Ireland and Albania (and the other crap) I would have to piss myself if Kejsi stole it...

    Mina, i completely agree that Belarus should have qualified. His vocals were solid and he gave one of the best performances of the night.

    ON THE OTHER HAND, I'd have rather seen Portugal replaced by Andorra or bulgaria or belarus, however they are western THEREFORE GO PORTUGAL.
  7. Mina, I thought that Sweden would get that 24th spot :P

    "I think Belarus deserved to be in the final & alot of people agree with me"
    I for one :D

    "The only good thing about FYR Macedonia was it made me appreciate how fookin' awesome H.E.A.T were and how they too would have been fookin' awesome if they had gone to Moscow"
    Yeah, but they wouldn't have qualified either ;)

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