•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

An end to drama...

  1. Estêvão Did you ever know that you're (JW) my hero


    I have an appeal for everyone here. Can we please, once and for all, end this US versus THEM mentality? I for one, want this site to keep on track with it's mission of bringing Eurovision fans together to talk about and enjoy the grand spectacle that is the Eurovision Song Contest. We can't speak for those on the other side of this argument. Nor can we control their actions or what they say. We can, however, take the high road in this matter, and just close the book on this issue.

    We have new people coming to this site all the time. Put yourselves in their shoes for just a moment. They come into chat for the first time and the topic is something one of THEM said. The newcomer to the site will either feel lost, or repulsed with all the talking about someone that isn't even here.

    I know some here have tried to end it, but others choose not to listen to them. Take it from me. THEY have been more rude, disrespectful, and downright ugly towards ME, than anyone else on this site. Yet, I am now asking for everyone on this side of the argument to let the matter drop. THEY wont have nothing on us when we are together as a family.

    (the FACE of EscChat.com)
  2. Alex Identified Flying Object

    I felt REALLY lost in the beginning as well:D:D:D
  3. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    I am jw and I approve this message.
  4. ollie2283 jedan sam čekao je ovdje!

    peace needs to be made and if 'THEY' carry on there things good for them but as long as we know we are calm
    i couldnt have said it better thank you este
  5. Jackeroo The Big Unit

    As a rather new member of the site, I felt rather confused when all this talk of the character in question, and at first a bit scared in case members were exiled and discussed on a regular basis, but I stuck with it, because everyone was so friendly when the character in question wasn't being discussed. I think this message was needed. Goooo Este!

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