•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Any song thread :)

  1. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    I just realised today, we don't really have a thread where anybody can post a song they want to share with us :) Atm its kinda annoying cos you have to create a new thread or whatever, whereas if we have a thread where people can share a song with us if they want to then we might find out about more songs that we wouldn't normally listen to and make the site a bit more interesting :)

    So post awayy!!! :D
  2. ollie2283 jedan sam čekao je ovdje!

    well this may not count as new but there are about 7 songs i am addicted to atm and they are :

  3. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    Seriously, in the Bulgaria 06 vid, at 2:12 starts the best moment of live TV EVER :o

    Anyway heres my contribution :D I sent Cassie Davis to the contest (Yes mina, the fat madonna :D) but she has so many other amazing songs and I had no idea which one to choose, so in the end I just went with Like it loud, BUT there are so many other amazing songs pour exemmplle, Differently:

    OH and BTW .. (skip to 0:38)

    SORRY, but it had to be said :D

    And on the subject of Cara Mia, SHEEP JE VOUDRAIS VOTRE ATTENTION, I found the demo :D Knowing you you've already heard it a billion times but incase not, here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tsjlW5Vl8g
  4. Eurovizz Member

    There are many songs I am addicted to at the moment :) I will reveal some of them,

    Super Junior - Sorry Sorry
    I hated this song a lot before because of its coreography haha, but now I am very addicted to the song :o

    Super Junior M - Super Girl
    This is only teaser of the song. The whole song and official clip haven't been released :)

    Linkin Park - Breaking the habit
    Linkin Park has always been my favourite rock band and I simply love them :) I like all their songs include one of Ollie's entries with Linkin Park :):)

    4Minute - Muzik
    Brand new band established in June this year. Like them already :D

    Green Day - I walk alone
    Love them a lot!

    4Minute - Hot Issue
    Another song from this girl group.
  5. Eurovizz Member

    To ESC-related music I am hooked on,

    Marie Serneholt - Disconnect me

  6. I think this is the most amazing song ever written :P Fantastic lyrics too, Keith Reid who wrote them describes the song as a kind of jigsaw puzzle :D

    And according to a survey by BBC Radio 2 this is THE MOST PLAYED SONG in Britain for the last 75 years :cool:

  7. ollie2283 jedan sam čekao je ovdje!

    legend of a depressing song - TIM BURTON STYLE *hears crowd scream and swoon*

  8. Oh my SHITTING FUCK :o:o:o

    I had never seen that :D so glad Måns sung it in the end though ;) and of course, Kirkirov is a hideous old queen who needs to just bog off and learn how to write his own songs...

    LOL :D mong style always wins in the end.
  9. Luis DLC I spread Eurovision joy in the US, oy

    I ain't postin' nothin'! I don't want no bishes stealing my music and using it as a future entry. :P By the way I'm back from a hideodorous adventure. More details as soon as I get pictures to go with the blog I'll write. :D
  10. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    Bad boys video

    Heres the video for Alexandra Burkes new single, "Bad Boys". It premiered on ITV2, the nation's favourite and most popular TV channel lmao. Its kinda like Hackney meets New York club meets Grease meets Uptown Girl ... its tacky, and its cheesy, but I do quite like it :D Especially 2:51 where they couldn't have made the video any more cheesy if they tried, still, I love it :D

    And also "My Man" got released on iTunes today, and last time I checked it had taken the top 200 by storm and is holding in there at 117 :D You go Jade! :o lmao.

    EDIT: Jade is now at number 76 :o THERE IS NO STOPPING THIS WOMAN! lol.

    In other news, I think this really needed posting:

  12. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    NOW, I know with this song I am EXTREMELY biased, given that Kim Lian is probably the queen of Shite Pop-Rock ... however this is not bad! :D Its a damn good example of a decent pop song and was alot better than I was expecting TBH. Lets just hope its a hit in Holland or Sweden :D

    As for Bad Boys , its a grower :P

    AND, whats more, Erick Hassle's "Hurtful" has been playlisted by Radio 1, aswell as the Sugababes new single.

    ALSO, I found out the other day there is another version of Kelly Clarkson's "I do not hook up" (Big :o cos I do love it and if any of you don't know it you should!) Cos the song was co-penned by Katy Perry she performed the original and although its not a patch on the Clarkson version, it's not bad either :D

    (The Kelly Clarkson version)

  13. I can't believe Jörgen Ringquist wrote this :S It's very different from "If I could" :)

    Congrats to Erik !!!
  14. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch


    Now, I know this song has absolutely no eurovision connection whatsoever, HOWEVER, it is rather amazing and I feel the need to spread the amazingness of it by posting it here.

  15. I like the song very, very much but the first 43 seconds remind me a lot of Anna Sahlene's "We're unbreakable" :S

    SKIP TO 0:38

  16. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    Big Blue Wall & Live Like We're Dying

    2 things:
    Firstly the song I sent to the 10th contest, Live like we're dying, has finally had a video release. It's not bad, although the whole death clock thing is a tad weird, but anyway:

    And finally, I assume Sheep has already heard it but heres the moonwalker version of Big Blue Wall which is the first song on the German release of Dance Love Pop:

  17. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    OH SHEEP, J'AI NEWS. I assume you're already totally up to date on this HOWEVER incase you're not, voila:

    UK Dance love pop tracklisting.


    1: Release Me
    2: I Need You Now
    3: On And On
    4: Secret Love
    5: Sometimes I Forget
    6: You Rain
    7: Big Blue Wall
    8: Love Love Love
    9: How Do You Know
    10: Love Me Senseless
    11: If I Could Build My Whole World Around You (Duet With Erik Hassle)
    12: Release Me (Acoustic Version)
    13: I Need You Now (Original)
    14: On and On (Acoustic Version)
    15: Big Blue Wall (Original)

    A) They did include Love love love, which shocked me a tad.
    B) Theres a new track, Secret Love.
    C) Theres an Erik Hassle Duet :o (I am liking this)
    D) I assume (just assuming) its going to be the Moonwalker version of On and On with the really cool video.
    E) Ca m'excite.
  18. E.P.I.C. *pre-orders 10 copies*
  19. No, when I say that is epic, I mean IT IS FUCKING EPIC IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD. I want it NOW.
  20. Eurovizz Member



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