•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Australia's unofficial voting

  1. CTP Jass hater

    As many may know, Australia replays each contest show at a normal time and has an online poll people may vote in (well, those in the AEST zone anyway). Might give some insight to the public vote in the final. This is the unofficial vote for semi 1.

    Screen Shot 2016-05-13 at 9.20.07 PM.png
    Anaconda and Mina like this.
  2. Mina Member with a "past"

    Surprising results but voting in an online poll is different to actually pay for your vote. Still, I never expected to see Matla and Austra so high. Thrilled for Croatia and Cyprus, though!
  3. CTP Jass hater

    Screen Shot 2016-05-14 at 9.21.50 PM.png Votes after the second semi. No surprises at the nationalism ofc. It will be hilarious if we flop in the final ^_^. Also of note - people didn't like much it seems this semi.
    Anaconda likes this.
  4. Julio STRANGLES

    Did anyone
  5. Jammy Member

    This wording makes you sound like Yoda

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