•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Chris' Rolling Blog of ESC2010 - The Blog Of Bad Taste

  1. c1ask0 Napkin of death holder

    Sweden: 8/10
    For the second year in a row I picked Sweden first out of the hat. This song flows very nicely from start to finish. As a ballad I find it lacks the factor that drew me in to such entries as Iceland's "Is It True?" but I am not put off either and I would find it very difficult to stop listening to this song once I start to hear it. The only personal draw back for me is that her voice warbles a little too much for my liking.
    Do I want it in the final? Yes

    Holland: 10/10
    This song is fabulous! I love the upbeat tempo and the choice of instruments will certainly help it to stand out. I find the chorus incredibly catchy and I feel that few people will be forgetting it in an instant. The opening instrumental section is, agreeably, slightly odd, but I don't think it will put people off listening because it isn't as obvious throughout the remainder of the song.
    Do I want it in the final? Absolutely!

    Spain: 6/10
    Despite thinking that the circus theme would creep me out, it actually works quite well. I do, however, find the song a bit repetitive, albeit lyrically, and it takes a while to really draw me in. I think that people will fail to remember this song if they don't listen to the whole thing, but it will leave a lasting impression on those that do.
    Do I want it in the final? Duh!

    Georgia: 6/10
    This song starts out really well, and the brief rock section kept me going for a bit longer, but by the end of the song I lost interest. I like the key progressions and her vocal abilities seem, from the recorded version I heard, to be outstanding, but I'm not certain I will find myself listening to this again and again.
    Do I want it in the final? Not that bothered.

    Lithuania: 5/10
    The verses in this song are cool and the chorus is even better, but there are parts in between that put me off a little. For this reason I can't say I'm totally psyched about it. I do, however, think it is a good song to start the semi-final, because it puts me in a happy mood.
    Do I want it in the final? Maybe not.

    Belarus: 4/10
    This is one is quite boring. It's a bad choice for Eurovision because it just reminds me of other, better (non-Eurovision) songs, although I can't put my finger on any of them. Bad pronunciation makes it difficult to understand the lyrics at some points. I think Belarus are very lucky not to be in the 2nd semi-final, because they would crash and burn.
    Do I want it in the final? Absolutely not.

    Cyprus: 5/10
    I really hoped I would like this song more, but unfortunately it just fades into the back of my mind almost instantaneously, and I can't really get connected with the song before it ends, which it does so quite abruptly. I don't mean to say that this is a bad song, because it most certainly is not, but it just doesn't ring the right bells with me.
    Do I want it in the final? Since Jon is Welsh, yes, but I won't be voting for him.

    Romania: 3/10
    I like the use of the pianos, but I don't like the structure of the song or the melody of the chorus. I'm actually struggling to remember how the verses go, having only just listened to the song, which is a sign that this song probably won't grow on me either. I'm not sure the double piano act really works with this kind of song, either, as I would have expected something a little more showy throughout.
    Do I want it in the final? Nope.

    Slovakia: 7/10
    Okay, this song really is ethnic! I like the strong beats that encompass this song and I love her voice. In addition, there is a quality to this track that makes it stand out. I do think, however, that something is missing. As the song finished I felt as if I hadn't heard it all yet, for some reason. I wonder if anyone else will feel this way after they hear it for the first time.
    Do I want it in the final? Yepper.

    Bosnia & Herzegovina: 7/10
    This song is cool and I really like when it reaches the chorus and suddenly becomes a lot heavier. I also like the singers voice as it complements the song. The only drawback is that I find it difficult to associate thunder and lightning with the notion of peace, which is supposed to be the message of the song.
    Do I want it in the final? Yeah, why not?

    France: 9/10
    How 90's is this?! This track has a great backing beat and features a lot more singing than I expected. I am sure that I will still love this when Eurovision comes around, which is certainly not a bad thing considering I was hooked from the start. I had to refrain from giving this song maximum points because there seem to be a few "shouty" bits that don't interest me at all.
    Do I want it in the final? Well, let's just say I'm glad it's there!

    Armenia: 8/10
    This one starts nice and slow and I immediately spot her bad English. I'm sorry, but it really is hard to understand some of the words that she sings. Apart from that it builds up nicely and leads to an impressive and very catchy chorus. I know that I will be singing this at work tomorrow and probably for many days to come. Definitely a potential winner.
    Do I want it in the final? Without a doubt!

    Moldova: 5/10
    This is a bit hit and miss. It opens well and the verses are good, but the chorus is lacking something and leaves me underwhelmed. Also, this song is one of those that seems to end very abruptly, as if they really could have done with a few more seconds to finish the song properly. I'm not a huge fan of Ibiza-style dance music so I can't really say much more.
    Do I want it in the final? Not really.

    Latvia: 3/10
    I'm not so sure I like this one. The backing track sounds so odd, mainly due to an interesting arrangement of instruments. The lyrics are good, but I don't judge much on lyrical effort so this song is lost on me. Also, the bit at the end where she shows off her voice doesn't really fit in with the rest of the song, for me. One thing is for sure this is certainly unique!
    Do I want it in the final? Possibly, only to add to the variety.

    Finland: 6/10
    Yes, very folky. It's exactly what I expected it to be, so I wasn't disappointed. I can't really get into the swing of this song straight away, though, for some reason. I think the verses leave something to be desired for, in that they are not very effective, but the chorus draws me in as it is very upbeat and jolly.
    Do I want it in the final? Yeah.

    Greece: 8/10
    Wow, what an energetic song! Saying that, I have to point out that the backing dancers seem to have about 10 times as much enthusiasm and energy as Giorgos, who acted rather feeble on-stage. Apart from that, I like the backing track a lot and for that reason I am glad that the chorus isn't heavy on the lyrics. I can certainly understand why people like this song.
    Do I want it in the final? Hell, yeah! Imagine this as an opener to the final!

    Albania: 3/10
    This sounds like very mainstream pop music and I can't stand most of what is in the charts these days, so the same applies to this song. the whole song seemed to be very bland and uninteresting, so I found it difficult to pay attention to the whole thing, or any of the lyrics at all.
    Do I want it in the final? Please, no.

    Iceland: 7/10
    I really like this one. The only reason it didn't get a higher score is that some of the chord progressions could have been a bit less simple. I think that the other bad point is that she is fairly static and should move a bit more. Other than that it has a good beat that really gets me moving and the French language blends nicely into the chorus.
    Do I want it in the final? Indefinitely.

    Israel: 6/10
    This song disappointed me because I was expecting something amazing. Instead I heard something slightly repetitive and somewhat weak. It still doesn't get a low mark, though, because it flows well and there are some nice sections, such as the change to a major key about half way through.
    Do I want it in the final? I'm not that bothered.

    Azerbaijan: 6/10
    This one has a huge commercial appeal, but it lacks direction. I wasn't entirely sure what kind of format the song was following and I can't stand it when that happens. On the plus side, I have to say that the chorus is very nice (apart from her "whoah" parts) and kinda catchy.
    Do I want it in the final? Meh.

    Serbia: 8/10
    Erm, hold on a sec whilst I have a moment to take that in. Well, the first word that pops into my head is ODD!!! How weird is that song? I'm not saying I don't like it (hence the score I gave it), but how was this song even thought of? Back to reality, I'm a fan of the chorus and the folk music. I certainly didn't expect his voice to be like that, though.
    Do I want it in the final? Yes, let's add to the variety some more!

    Belgium: 10/10
    Okay, so far this is my winner right here. It has so much appeal and reminds me of my favourite band "The Feeling". The chords and cadences are just to my liking and he changes the volume his voice at exactly the right parts of the song to suit it. He just needs to improve his image a little more from what we saw on EuroSong - I don't think the hat suits him, personally.
    Do I want it in the final? Yepperoo!

    Estonia: 1/10
    Is this even allowed to be a song? I don't like the way that it just swaggers from the beginning to end without a clear direction. Also, I have completely forgotten the song within less than a minute of hearing it for the first time. There is too much wailing in this for my liking and I couldn't really make out the structure of the song, which is so frustrating. Safe to say that this is currently, and will probably remain as, my least favourite entry this year.
    Do I want it in the final? Never!
  2. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.


    Ah, bad taste, where would we be without you to make everyone else's taste in music seem so much better? :P
  3. Eurovizz Member

    oh my goooooooooooooooooood about Holland, clasko you're unbelievable:o
  4. Luis DLC I spread Eurovision joy in the US, oy

    Slovakia, woo-hoo! *waits for Mina to spew her hate :P*
  5. Mina Member with a "past"

    Why? He has a right to like Slovakia. Just because I don't like it, it doesn't mean he can't :cool:
  6. Luis DLC I spread Eurovision joy in the US, oy

    I thought you said you did like it, but didn't like her?

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