•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Congratulations to Sweden...and some thoughts

  1. Mina Member with a "past"

    First of all, congratulations to Loreen. Even though she wasn't my cup of tea, she won fair and square and I'm sure Sweden will organise a great eurovision.
    About my country (Greece), I'm actually happy with our 17th placing as it proves that no, we won't be in the top 10 whatever we send, especially not now with juries voting also.
    With Greece 17th this year, Russia 17th and Turkey and Armenia not qualifying last year like Serbia in 2009, with Germany 3 years and Italy 2 years in a row in the top 10, I believe it should be obvious to everyone that the contest is now much more open than it was before 2009..the top 10 this year included 3 ex soviets, 3 balkans, 1 scandinavian country, and 3 western countries. So, overall, I would say that it's a good representation of the 26 countries of the final.
    About my own favourites, I believe Iceland and the Uk deserved much better but I'm thrilled for Estonia, I loved that song from the first listening and Ott is a great singer. Also very happy for Germany, Roman deserved every last point he got. Italy I believe would have done better with a better draw.
    That is all about this eurovision. Here's to a better one next year :roll:
  2. matthewbell32 Du kommer alltid vara nummer 1 för mig

    Overall, I thought this year was of a high standard generally, and I'm excited for my first eurovision (hopefully) being in Stockholm!
    Luis DLC likes this.
  3. I did as you asked and wrote down your prediction after semi-final 1, Mina. :D

    1. Ireland :ie: (6th)
    2. Russia :ru: (1st)
    3. Cyprus :cy: (7th)
    4. Greece :gr: (4th)

    Also, despite not quite beating Rybak's total, Loreen got more sets of 12 points :D (18 vs. 16).
  4. Another thing, can we please appreciate:

    matthewbell32, Luis DLC, Mina and 2 others like this.
  5. Ljupco Active Member

    It is so EPIC to see Maceodnia higher than Greece :D I think Kaliopi deserved more, but 13th place isn't bad at all after 4 years of absence from the final. Congratulations to all of the participants. See you all next year in Sweden :)
    Luis DLC and matthewbell32 like this.
  6. Mina Member with a "past"

    Great! Now, keep her there ^_^

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