•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Cutting off days


Which days do you want to be cut off?

Poll closed 12th April 2015.
0 days less to submit, 4 days less to vote 0 vote(s) 0.0%
1 day less to submit, 3 days less to vote 0 vote(s) 0.0%
2 days less to submit, 2 days less to vote 9 vote(s) 60.0%
3 days less to submit, 1 day less to vote 6 vote(s) 40.0%
4 days less to submit, 0 days less to vote 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. DenDutch Well-Known Member

    As we want to have #100 at the end of this year, we need to shorten our contests. We'll do that by having less days to vote/to submit, 4 days less to be exact. You can choose how you'd spread these days that will be cut off (if you want to keep more days left to vote or to submit, etc.)
    You can ofc discuss and give opinions in the thread.
  2. adamacs RUTH DAVIDSON FOR PM.

    my vote is purely selfish. I often am not around for a couple of days at a time due to work commitments, but it would be much easier for me if it were an equal reduction of 2+2 as i am less likely to not be around 3 days in a row than 2

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