Semi Final 2: 100% Qualifiers: / 90% Qualifiers (10% non qualifiers): / / / 80% Qualifiers (20% non qualifiers): / 70% Qualifiers (30% non qualifiers): / 50%/50%: 70% Not Qualifying (30% qualifiers): / 80% Not Qualifying (20% qualifiers): 90% Not Qualifying (10% qualifiers): 100% Not Qualifying: / / Winning act: 90% / 10% Toilet: 70% / 20% / 10%
with the final and the winners yet to come here is the current result: Julio - 18 points Nick - 18 points Rua - 17 points Dennis - 17 points PeterP - 17 points Genesis - 17 points James - 16 points Anette - 16 points Janet - 15 points Ljupco - 14 points
Full result of the game: 01 - Rua 29 points 02 - Nick 28 points 03 - Ljupco 27 points 03 - Genesis 27 points 05 - James 26 points 06 - Julio 25 points 06 - Dennis 25 points 06 - PeterP 25 points 09 - Janet 23 points 10 - Anette 19 points
I hadn't even seen this but thanks everybody - and special ty to Julio for organising this for us all.