I am undertaking a new project, along with the others I already have! I am creating a new Sims 2 neighbourhood that will be populated with all the regular chatters from escchat.com! I will need input from ALL of you! Here is what I will need... * a name for the neighbourhood * astrological signs for each of you * skin tone 1-4 (1 = pale, 4 = darkest) * hair/eye colour * Does you sim have: ...glasses? piercings? tattoos? other jewlery? * makeup colour? (females sims) * teenager? Young Adult (University)? or Adult? * Turn ons (must be 2) and turn offs (only 1) * Personality * Profession The choices for turn ons/off are: Cologne, Body Odor, Fatness, Fitness, Formal Wear, Swim Wear, Underwear, Vampires, Facial Hair, Glasses, Makeup, Full Face Makeup, Hats, Jewlery, Hair Colour (Blonde, Brunette, Redhead, Black, Silver, Bald, Custom), Hard Worker, Unemployed, Logical, Charismatic, Great Cook, Mechanical, Artistic, Athletic, Clean Freak, Zombies, Robots, Plant Sims & Werewolves Professions are too numerous to list, just tell me three areas you are interested in and I will find the most appropriate one for ya! Also! I need to know if you want your own house, or do you mind living in an apartment building? (Mina & Stew can be neighbours!) As soon as I start hearing from you, I will start making your sims. Either post a reply to this thread, PM me or e-mail me: [email protected] Don't forget! I will need a name for the neighbourhood! Open to suggestions. Estêvão P.S. If you are a teen, you will be put in a house with one of the Adult Sims as your parent/guardian...you might have 6 or 7 other foster siblings
Hobbies & Aspiration! Oh! And hobbies! I need to know what hobbies your sim is into: Music/Dance, Arts & Crafts, Sports, Fitness, Science, Nature, Gaming, Cuisine, Tinkering (fixing things) Also...what is your sim's aspiration: Pleasure, Family, Romance, Knowledge, Wealth or Popularity? (please give me 1st choice & 2nd choice)
im a gemini skin tone #2 hair: brown eyes: hazel no piercings, tattoos, etc im a teen turn ons: logical and blonde turn off: clean freak profession: criminal (my first one), science, medical hobbies: music, science and gaming aspiration: 1) knowledge, 2) wealth
Aquarius Skin tone #2 Black hair (preferably the one with the small messy spiky hair thats one of the first of the original game), Dark Blue Eyes Tattoo (how can you do that ) on my chest, right eyebrow piercing, right ear piercing (with the jewel in it) and chain (all silver), facial hair #3 Adult jewellery & facial hair - body oder nice, shy, neat architecture music/dance, gaming 1) Family, 2) Wealth id like to live in an apartment (esp with a balcony )
name hm eurovision? star sign gemmini skin tone - 3 or 4 (este u decide the realistiness of it) eyes and hair brown both (short hair please!!!!!!) no glasses and the like teen please turn ons logical + charismatic (i would have been happier with another 4) turn off body oduor profession medical, education and media hobbies catering, gaming and music personality nice shy(ish) creative aspiration 1 knowledge 2 pleasure
> I think i'm a virgo but I often forget > Skin tone: 1 > Hair: In the summer it goes redish but in the winter its just brown ... so brown i suppose > Eyes: Browny-Greeny .. in fact they're just sort of a mucky colour lol, but closest to green i'd say > Does your sim have?: Well, I did have glasses but they dissapeared about a week ago and have refused to show up since, and I only need them for reading anyway so no glasses (Plus they're a total biatch anyway!) > Teenager > Turn off's: Vampires & Body Odur > Turn on's: Werewolves ofcourse rofl. > Personality: Yes lol I hate talking about my personality so i'll let you decide that one > Hobbies: Music, cycling & eurovision lol If theres the option for a paperboy take that though cos its my real job
Star Sign: Peices or however you spell it Skin Tone: 1 ( but i'm a bit darker than Kaas + Sandra, so if it's like that put 2 ) Hair: Dark Brown, mid-length Eyes: Light Blue Extras: I am perfect without these, so no thanks Make-Up: Maybe in my next life Age: Teenager Turns On: Fitness, Vampires, Blonde or Brunette, Charismatic, Can Cook ( as I can't ), Artistic, Athletic. Turns Off: Body Odor, Fatness, Glasses, Hats, Jewlery, Red Hair ( Sorry Stew ), Unemployed. Hobbies: Not the obv. one, Music/Dance, Arts & Crafts, Sports, Nature Profession: I honestly don't know, but something creative or something to do with nature .. House: I don't mind, I can rough it up in a cardboard box !
star sign: Virgo skin tone: 1 hair colour: light brown eye colour: blue sim age: young adult (i may graduate in a few weeks, but i still wanna be a student!) turn on: clean freak turn offs: body odour, full face makeup personality: nice, hard-working, not so fun profession: science or maths hobbies: Gaming, Cuisine, Music/Dance aspiration: romance or pleasure
* I'm a sagittarian * Skin tone: 1-2 * Hair: brown * Eyes: amber * Make-up: brownish mascara, pink lipstick * Adult * Turn ons: charisma and humour * Turn offs: body odour * Personality: creative * Profession: administration * I live in an apartment (with a balcony) * Hobbies: Music, arts * Aspiration 1) knowledge 2) pleasure
Name for the neighbourhood...how about D'Arbanville, I've always loved that song As for the rest: star sign: aquarious skin tone: 2 hair colour: brown eye colour: hazel make up colours: beige/neutral foundation, mauve/plum eyeshadow, light pink blusher, black eye pencil, pink spice lipstick no glasses but wears earrings/cross sim age: adult turn on: cologne/charismatic turn offs: body odour/vampires personality: analytical, sensitive, enthusiastic profession: teacher hobbies: Music/Dance, Gaming aspiration: 1 pleasure 2 knowledge And I want to live in an apartment building
o here is all the information about me. I'm a Libra. (I was born on the 13th of October of 1988) skin tone - #2 hair colour - black hair eyes colour - light brown I wear glasses. I'm a young adult, currently studying at the Faculty of Law My turns on are swim wear and charismatic. My turn off is body odour. Profession - maybe something related to Law or the Mass Media Personality - hmmm I think I'm not the most appropriate person for this and so I'm going to let you decide this (because I also know how you do see or imagine me as a person) Hobbies - music/dance and reading; Sim aspiration - 1st knowledge 2nd pleasure I don't mind to share my place with anyone unless that person will be Thomas! Otherwise I want to live alone... and please no SCP's posters in my room Este (I mean a SCP poster is acceptable but a SLB one is unthinkable) and just let me think a cool name for our future neighbourhood...
ok and again neighbourhood: Waterloo? sign: taurus skin tone: 2 hair colour: blond (right now with red stripes, soon just blond) eye colour: grey-green (more grey) make up colours: golden mascara (I don't wear make up that much) piercings: ear piercings, hoops (I think) sim age: teenager turn ons: formal wear, artistic turn off: fatness personality: your choice, 'cause I don't like to talk about my personality profession: musician hobbies: music/dance, arts&crafts, sports, fitness, cuisine aspiritation: pleasure, romance
neighbourhoodafinette sign:capricorn skin tone:#2 hair colourark brown eye colourark brown my sim has:earrings make up colours:tones of white or beige eye shadows,black mascara,black eye pencil n pink or red lipstick sim age:adult turn on:charismatic,formal wear turn off:bald personalityecent,funny,warm profession:executive assistant hobbies:music,sports,cuisine,nature aspiration:knowledge,romance
I'm a sagittarian skin tone - well i pratically have vampire skin soo 1 lmao hair - dark brown eyes - grey-blue no glasses, no makeup, i don't have any tattoo's or piercing's yet (but if my conscience keeps nagging me i will lmao) jewelery well i wear a dragon chain around my neck a watch and 2 rings (go me with the bling rofl!) and yes i have facial hair.... i'm an adult i think... turn ons... hmm formal wear and i'll say hats (cos kev didn't lmao) turn off - body odor personality - do i even have one lmao erm.... nice, shy and whatever else you want este i trust you profession - administration hobbies - music and gaming aspiration - 1) family 2) pleasure plus i want an apartment (with balcony please )
neighbourhood: Freddlop sign:wave skin tone:1 hair colour:blonde- white in summer eye colour:very blue eyes my sim has:nothing sim age:teenager turn on:Good looking and a slampy way turn off:blad personality:funny,warm, romatic,mean professionwimming hobbies:music,( guitar)sports ( swiming ) aspirationleasure, family
Possible names for the neighbourhood: Toppertown Susandorra Brinckmark Türkise Bosnia & Herzeregina Cukratia Slutland Cypraxa Fraance As you can tell, these are not genuine suggestions, unless someone actually likes them.
The creation has begun!!! Two sims have been created so far, myself and Mina. The last group that will be worked on will be JW's house of teenagers (scary sounding name). This is last because it will take the longest and I want to devote as much time to it as I can. Since mine & Mina's sims are completed, I will move on to some other Adult sims next. These will be Anette (Stockholm), Almila, & Kevin. In the meantime, here are the preliminary photos of myself and Mina. Mina Carnation with her Persian cat named "Sheep". Estêvão Romanetz with his Weimerainer "Baixa" and his Golden Retriever "Chiado".
ROFL Mina's cat does look very menacing And she doesn't look like the slutty-drunk-wears-fishnet-tights teacher you promised lol But honestly, este, they're great!!
i have to agree with stew, that is sooo not mina lmao and the cat looks brown underpants stainingly evil lmao