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Ex-Yugoslav Countries 2009


Which entry do you like the most? (You can choose more than 1 if you wish)

Poll closed 8th May 2009.
Bosnia & Herzegovina 8 vote(s) 57.1%
Croatia 4 vote(s) 28.6%
FYR Macedonia 2 vote(s) 14.3%
Montenegro 3 vote(s) 21.4%
Serbia 2 vote(s) 14.3%
Slovenia 1 vote(s) 7.1%
Multiple votes are allowed.

    Ex-Yugoslav Countries 2009

    Bosnia & Herzegovina
    FYR Macedonia

    Which one is YOUR favourite? :S
  2. MILKshake  

    bosnia & herzegovina no doubt
  3. Mina Member with a "past"

    I like them all except Fyrom and Montenegro.
    1 Bosnia
    2 Slovenia
    3 Serbia
    4 Croatia
  4. Here's my ranking:
    1. Bosnia & Herzegovina - by far and away...
    2. Croatia
    3. Montenegro
    4. Serbia
    5. FYR Macedonia
    6. Slovenia - not the real winner of EMA

    They had sooo much potential this year, I wish these songs were going to Moscow.
    Croatia: "Poljupci u boji" by Feminnem
    Serbia: "Superstar" by Oscar & Beauty Queens feat. Djordje Marijanovic
    FYR Macedonia: "Rum Dum Dum (tek tek)" by Kaliopi & Naum
    Slovenia: "Zaigraj Muzikant" by The Gypsies & Leggy Blond (Skupina Langa & Manca Špik)

    Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia's possible entries are 3 of my very favourite ESC-related songs this year!
  5. Aaron N Moof master

    for me it was a toos up between montengro and B&H but i voted montengro cos B&H will get voted for anyway :P
  6. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    FYR Macedonia is my fave from ex-yugo countries :D
  7. Mark New Member

    I only really like two...
    Bosnia+Croatia !! :D

    the others are just bad or meh :D:D or terrible ( slovenia )

    But the balkans are very weak this year...
  8. Mark New Member

    oh yes my ranking...
    1. La Bosnia (Bosnia)
    2. La Croatia (Croatia)
    3. Mehecdonia (Macedonia)
    4. Afroerbia (Serbia)
    5. Seientegro (Montenegro)
    6. One of the biggest shits ever to come out of Chaira's bum ( slovenia )
  9. Kevin New Member

    ewwwww how come everyone is voting for the communist kaiser cheifs song :S. (One may easily have noticed that the country i'm talking about is Bosnia-Herzegovina)

    it just sucks!
  10. 1. FYR Macedonia :)
    2. Bosnia & Herzegovina
    3. Slovenia
    4. Montenegro
    5. Croatia
    6. Serbia

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