•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

FINAL: who are we going to vote for?

  1. Mina Member with a "past"

    Here is my list:


    And if one of those 6 could win, I would be extremely happy (but the Uk is fine, too:cool:)

    PS1 Let the best SONG win

    PS2 For my Uk friends: Kalimeris (esc project manager for ERT) just said on our TV if we lose from someone as famous as ALW, we will be fine with it;)
  2. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    I will vote for ...

    And i'd be happy with a win from ... well 24 of the countries :D No seriously, there are so many countries i'd love to win! And even if Norway did win, I wouldn't be too cut up cos I wouldn't mind an esc from Oslo :P
    But ideally, Azerbaijan or Finland would win for me (not Spain cos we could never trust TVE with organising eurovision :rolleyes:)! Obviously i'd also love the UK to win, but i'll be happy with any result as long as its in the top 15 :)
  3. Mina Member with a "past"

  4. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    Thank youuu!!!
    I may just case a vote for Sakis now! Jade was fantastic in that rehearsal, and I do love the stage presentation. I was worried that they would clutter up the stage but it works :) Its all very X factor!

    In fact this year generally I think is very good for the presentation of songs, cos off the top of my head I can't think of one that has gone drastcially wrong ... well maybe Albania but that still qualified! And I was worried Svetlana's hell machines were gonna clutter the stage, but (amazingly!) I think it actually worked!!! :o I even like Sakis's light up coffin now, and that says alot given my initial thoughts on it!

    Basically ... GOOD LUCK TO EVERYBODY TONIGHT!!!! (even norway!)
  5. I think I'll be having another 2007 scenario with the 50 votes going to Estonia and then at least one vote for everyone else :D

    At the very core of everything, all I want from tonight is a top 10 finish for Urban Symphony but that may be hoping for too much...

    But I'm just hoping to enjoy the show!!! Good luck to everyone - especially the Scandinavians - the North shall rise again!!! Other special wishes go to Armenia, Russia, Israel, PORTUGAL, Malta, Moldova, Albania, Spain, Germany, Azerbaijan and even Ukraine! :P

    I hope everyone here has a wonderful time, I'm not going to be online tonight after the show so peace and quiet for you all ^^

    Good luck and best wishes!!! xox
  6. c1ask0 Napkin of death holder

    I will definitely be voting for France and Iceland.

    I will probably vote for other countries too, but I want to base those votes on the performances. For example, I would vote for Azerbaijan but their semi performance was dreadful *cough*arash*cough!!!*

    I am certain above all the Jade will give a stunning performance and I look forward to the voting procedure. Of course, if we don't get votes I can't guarantee I won't swear a lot afterwards!!! ;)
  7. Kevin New Member

    i will vote iceland, lithuania and maybe estonia and malta :)
  8. Jarek New Member

    Portugal, Sweden, Israel, Iceland, Lithuania, Estonia :)
  9. ollie2283 jedan sam čekao je ovdje!

    i am voting for
    (gasps for breath)
    it makes a statement about the popularity of the esc when every news channel talks about it (including russia today, who has interviewed anatasia p yesterday - her personality does NOT fit in with esc imo) and
    youtube even makes a little flag gesture at the top!
    and not to mention the newspaper i read contains about 7 different esc artivcles including an advert for the single of my time!
  10. Mina Member with a "past"

    Don't spend your money, Jonny..Sakis will do fine in the Uk televoting anyway;)..now if you were a member of the jury, that would be useful:D...you could always cast an extra vote to Finland:P
  11. Aaron N Moof master

    here's my list :D

    Sweden (probably more than once :P)

    ad anyone else how manages to impress me during the show (which means possibly iceland :D)

    *goes to plan on how to sabotage the voting table to show andorra instead of turkey*
  12. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    ROFL OK, well its only 15p! But 2 votes for Finland it is!! :D

    And OMFG eurovision has got so much coverage from the newspapers today!!! Basically every newspaper had Jade or Grahame on the front of their magazine supplements that they put out on a Saturday!! :o
  13. Aaron N Moof master

    LMAO i just got the daily star and the magazine in it has dita von teese, jade and graham on the front page :o i nearly died of shock (along with choking myself with a cup to tea :P lmaoo)
  14. Mark New Member

    To be honest, they is no one worth voting for when you have Kaas there - just the best of the century, and one of the best of all time ... My vote(s) shall go to France - Whatever happens she is the true winner and the rightful one ...
  15. Mark New Member

    I did bag packing this morning, and omg - LOADS of magazines and newspaper have either ALW, Jade or Norton on the front cover :D - too bad the song is shit :D
  16. Ajdin Mehic New Member

    I'm voting for UK, Estonia or Spain tonight. I'll decide in recap. :D

    In first semifinal, I voted for Iceland.
  17. I will decide after I've watched all performances tonight but my votes will probably go to Denmark, Finland, Azerbaijan.

    I'll cast a vote for The UK too :P I voted for Andy last year so why shouldn't I vote for Jade, who's got a much stronger entry ;)

    GOOD LUCK to everyone ! :D
  18. c1ask0 Napkin of death holder

    Vote for all of them, Ajdin. :D

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