•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Finland 2009 (goooooooooo Waldo!)


Lose Control!

I LOVE it 7 vote(s) 70.0%
I like it 1 vote(s) 10.0%
It's ok 2 vote(s) 20.0%
I don't like it (there's no option I hate it for Waldo!) 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. Mina Member with a "past"

    I don't want to lose control but I'm falling...falling down!!!!

    Be careful what you say about my most favourite song this year.
    Good luck to my dear Waldo :D

  2. calrisle Scrutineer

    I think it's OK... Strange that I should click on here just as "It's My Life" by Dr. Albarn is on the radio at work, as I think "Lose Control" has that kind of sound; that slightly dated mid-90's vibe to it with a big powerful female vocal hook and a white male rapper delivering that kind of staccato articulation through the verses. It's cool, but it's definitely nothing new, nothing fresh.

    I think it's alright, I really don't mind it, and I know Mina loves it, so I really am just trying to be honest and objective - the girl singer is great, and it's bouncy and clubby enough for the British public to go crazy for it. The chorus is certainly very catchy, but the whole thing comes and goes without making me feel anything extreme about it.
  3. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    I've not heard it. But I bet it is does not live up to PUMP PUMP.

  4. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    OBVIOUSLY I LOVE IT!! :D The song is amazing, its energetic, the vocals are strong, the rap interludes compliment the song perfect and most of all it makes me wanna booogggiiieee!!!!! :o :P
  5. Mark New Member

    It's just meh ... what else can I say ?
  6. Kevin New Member

    Sakis "wants you" to vote for him

    Kai Se Thelo ;)

  7. Sadly, I've over-listened to this one :( still great though and I was very VERY happy Waldo beat Passionworks :) A certain qualifier IMO...well, if Teräsbetoni can do it... :P

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