•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Finland 2018


    Saara Aalto has been selected by Finland to represent them in Lisbon. The singer had already tried to win the NF twice, but only rose to great fame in 2016. She then took part in X Factor UK, where she took second place.

    She'll be singing three songs in UMK 2018. We know she's been working with Swedish composers Linnea Deb and Thomas Gson.

    Pedro, Genesis2703 and Anaconda like this.
  2. sokrates1988 I HATE EUROVISION

    No songwriters in Finland then :(

  4. sokrates1988 I HATE EUROVISION

    Couldnt agree more
    Merjan likes this.
  5. adamacs RUTH DAVIDSON FOR PM.

    No can do chandlier justice, except your Sia, eh Merjan
    Genesis2703 likes this.

    Oh, you've changed your justin into justice; how disappointing.

    Nevertheless, obv PAAF. (And I was thinking more about the X Factor reject rather than the song.)
    sokrates1988 likes this.
  7. Genesis2703 Pointless

    The first of the three songs that Saara will be singing at UMK 2018 has been released:

    Firstly that is a pretty camp music video!! :D I actually don't mind this song at all, and I'm happy it isn't as weird as No Fear was. But I can see a lot of people thinking that it is a F ROW.

    The 2nd song should be out this time next week, and the final song will be released the week after that.
    Rua likes this.
  8. Rua Haldor Lægreid Impersonator

    My first thought was 'this is a bit of alright' and then right after it ended, I realised I could hardly remember anything about it.

    One of the better songs in the NF's but quite forgettable. Here's to hoping the next two have something to help it stand out.
    Genesis2703 likes this.
  9. sokrates1988 I HATE EUROVISION

  10. NickEmpel BURGER AND FRIES

    Song 2: Domino
    Genesis2703 likes this.
  11. Rua Haldor Lægreid Impersonator

    Monsters is definitely better than this - I find this one quite lacklustre and relistening to the first track makes it seem forgettable (as you can see above, I said Monsters was forgettable but that was after just one listen.) It's a song you could hear in most national finals.
  12. sokrates1988 I HATE EUROVISION

  13. Genesis2703 Pointless

    I like both songs Saara has given us so far. I do prefer Monsters though. Domino is quite repetitive (but I quite like what it is repeating!) and doesn't show off her vocals nearly as much.

    Both songs would be in my top 2 overall (so far) but I really hope this third and final song is really something special!.... I shan't get my hopes up though.
    Pedro likes this.
  14. Rua Haldor Lægreid Impersonator

    Queens has been prematurely released - the last of the trio wherein one of them will represent :fi: this year.

    Personally, I think this is the weakest of the three by far - Monsters is definitely the right choice for :fi:, imo.
    Genesis2703 and Anaconda like this.
  15. sokrates1988 I HATE EUROVISION

  16. Anaconda I'm as sick as fuck.

    I found them all horrid, to be honest, both the songs, and her grating shouting. I would probably agree Queens is the worst (bloody awful!), but I found Domino the most tolerable (remotely). I don't think Finland is going places this year. Serves them right from pulling Saara Aalto out of a hat like that - and pairing her with shit songs.
    sokrates1988 likes this.

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