•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Happy Birthday Jonny!!!

  1. Mina Member with a "past"

    Happy Sweet 16...and what's up with your e-mail, I've tried sending you a card but it says the address is wrong...if you got some e-mail without the co.uk. in it, now it's the time to say it..LOL
  2. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    Thank youuuuuu mina :D It feels pretty much the same as being 15 though :D Tbh I'm not actually sure if i'm 16 yet, because I was born at something like 10 in the evening :P

    [email protected] - LOL Thank you for the thoughts, thats my email address :) Also thank yooouu to ollie and stockholm for sending birthday wishes via email (see mina it is possible lmao)

    Thanks guys :)
  3. Mina Member with a "past"

    Blonde highlights have gone to my brain..loooooooooooooooool
    Just tell me if you got the card:P
  4. kotsios Call me Kots. Potter Kots

    Fireflance wishes Jonny a Happy Birthday (and good luck with his results tomorrow)


    (i'm not a fan of emails :P)
  5. MILKshake  

    happy birthday jonny *hugs*
  6. Kristiina sxesov q.f

  7. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    Thankksssss guys :D It's much appreciated :D

    And 1 hour 45 mins till I go in to get results!!! :P *craps self*
  8. Mina Member with a "past"

    I'm sure you'll do very well, Jonny, don't worry. Keep us posted, ok?

    And good luck to everyone else who's expecting results today :D
  9. ollie2283 jedan sam Ĩekao je ovdje!

  10. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    Bloody hell Congrattttsssss!!! :) Top 20 thats incredible, congratsssssss ;)

    I can't say I did quite that well but im still very happy with my results! :D I got the B in french I needed, I got an A in maths which I was shocked but over the moon with, and an A* in geography! :) I passed the sciences, with a C in Biology and B's in Physics and Chemistry :) And didn't fail anything thank god! I even passed RE lmao :D

    Anyway congrats ollie :) ! :D
  11. Ollie and Jonny, congrats to you both :P

    Yeah, but I haven't got blonde highlights :D
  12. Mina Member with a "past"

    LMAO Annette!

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