•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!


  1. Eurovizz Member

    Although edition 19 has yet to end, Hexelbourg has already decided to kick off its process
    in selecting their representatives for the 20th anniversary edition.
    Hexelbourg has mostly chosen its candidates through internal selections, but this time
    they'll make it into a public one as well to celebrate the contest's anniversary. :)

    10 finalists have been internally selected.
    However, the top remaining 5 will also be chosen internally, but when that has been done - the voting lines
    will be open for the public (you guys) :D
    When edition 19 has ended and the next host country is known, the top 5 will have been
    decided and the voting will immidiately start. :)

    EDIT ALERT: Hexelbourg has taken the decision to let the national selection be fully open for public. Therefore, the voting line is now open. Top 5 will not be chosen internally, but instead be voted by the public as well. These are the two voting processes:

    1) Vote according to this system to decide the 5 preceding candidates
    Deadline: October 24
    Song x - 12 pts
    Song x - 10 pts
    Song x - 8 pts
    Song x - 7 pts
    Song x - 6 pts

    Song x - 5 pts
    Song x - 4 pts
    Song x - 3 pts
    Song x - 2 pts
    Song x - 1 pt

    You must participate in voting process 2 when having submitted your votes during process 1.

    2) You will need to submit your votes according to this system when top 5 has been determed
    Deadline: November 1
    Song x - 10 pts
    Song x - 8 pts
    Song x - 6 pts
    Song x - 4 pts
    Song x - 2 pts


    Send votes via PM escchat.

    HERE ARE THE 10 CANDIDATES: Names in recap order
    [IMG] 1. Serdar Ortac - Mikrop
    [IMG] 2. Krum (Крум) - Precaka Me
    [IMG] 3. Nikos Oikonomopoulos - Mou Pe Mia Psi Hi
    [IMG] 4. Vera Brehzneva (Вера Брежнева) - Lyubov Spaset Mi
    [IMG] 5. Bengü - Kocaman Öpuyorum
    [IMG] 6. Emre Aydin - Hoscakal
    [IMG] 7. Anna Sedokova (Анна Седокова) - Drama
    [IMG] 8. IKA - Zeros In Love
    [IMG] 9. Glukoza (Глюкоза) - Vot Takaya Lyubov
    [IMG] 10. Zero Assoluto - Sei Parte Di Me

    Enjoy :o And I hope at least some few want to vote ~
  2. Mina Member with a "past"

    OMG you got Nikos in there! I love that guy :D:D:D (too bad we don't have a kissing or heart smiley)
  3. James ... and his things xD

    omg zero assolutoooooooooooo! GOOOOOO!!!!
  4. Luis DLC I spread Eurovision joy in the US, oy

    They're probably famous is James cheers for them. Be careful, Vizz. :P

    Watch out for Mina's favorite too.;D
  5. Arben The Flag Lover

    havent listened to any yet but quite sure that ill love at least 6 of em, so ill be quite unhappy that she wont send them all in one after another lol
  6. Eurovizz Member

    Thanks for the comments guys :D love you..

    by the way, I've noticed that some people have submitted their votes already, as not supposed :o
    But because of that, I have decided to....

    Vote according to this system to decide the 5 preceding candidates
    (now you need to vote for all ten songs)

    Song x - 12 pts
    Song x - 10 pts
    Song x - 8 pts
    Song x - 7 pts
    Song x - 6 pts
    Song x - 5 pts
    Song x - 4 pts
    Song x - 3 pts
    Song x - 2 pts
    Song x - 1 pt

    For those who I mentioned about at the beginning, please give your votes to the bottom 5 songs as well and send again ~
  7. Luis DLC I spread Eurovision joy in the US, oy

    Mina only listened to one second of each song, maybe two seconds if she liked it.:P
  8. Eurovizz Member

    Haha, I was just going to say about that..

    I know it sounds ridiculous, but right now as you will determe the preceeding 5 candidates, vote accoriding to the recap. Why? Because it's common that you all (including me) tend to not listen throughout every single song, it's true :D human nature haha

    But if some of you want full links, ask me and I will post :)
  9. SotA's votes have been sent ;D
  10. Eurovizz Member

    SotA is obviously söta bror :)
  11. LOL söta syster :)
  12. Eurovizz Member

    UPDATE :)

    I can say some little things about the current standings so far..

    1. Top 5 is extremely obvious.

    2. However, the points between the top 5 songs are really tight. But since top 5 now is quite clear, the 2nd phase of the voting round will furthermore be the most exciting round. It's really important for many of you to vote then, especially those who have participated in voting phase 1 already :) Most of you have very different 12's, so yeah.

    Oh, and....there is one particular song I am shocked with, it's doing so well. I didn't know y'all liked that kind of music huh????? :) (unless you guys gave it 12 or 10 because it was the best of the worst songs lol...god T_T)
  13. Eurovizz Member



    WHEN THAT HAPPENS, THE FINAL VOTING WILL BEGIN. ALL VOTERS FROM VOTING PROCESS 1 HAVE TO SUBMIT THEIR FINAL VOTES FOR TOP 5 AS WELL. :) Those who did not take part in selecting the top 5 songs, will NOT be allowed to submit votes of the final top 5.

    You got two hours left to be accepted in deciding the final winner (for those who has yet to vote in phase 1)
  14. Eurovizz Member

    Congrats to our skirt teddy Adam in hosting the upcoming anniversary edition :D

    Now, back to business..

    TOP 5 has been publically selected and will go through the final voting round..

    Here they are..

    [IMG] IKA - Zeros In Love
    [IMG] Emre Aydin - Hoscakal
    [IMG] Zero Assoluto - Sei Parte Di Me
    [IMG] Nikos Oikonomopoulos - Mou Pe Mia Psi Hi
    [IMG] Anna Sedokova - Drama

    The eliminated acts are following..

    [IMG] Glukoza - Vot Takaya Lyubov
    [IMG] Serdar Ortac - Mikrop
    [IMG] Bengü - Kocaman Opuyorum
    [IMG] Krum - Precaka Me
    [IMG] Vera Brehzneva - Lyobov Spaset Mi


    Those who are allowed and must vote are: Julio, Anette, CTP, Nick, Dingo, James, Nessie, Adam and Este. Those who did not participate in the first voting round
    will not be allowed to submit any votes.

    Listen to the songs throughoutly and vote,

    [IMG] IKA - Zeros In Love

    [IMG] Anna Sedokova - Drama

    [IMG] Emre Aydin - Hoscakal

    [IMG] Nikos Oikonomopoulos - Mou Pe Mia Psi Hi

    [IMG] Zero Assoluto - Sei Parte Di Me

    Send PM escchat, voting system: 2,4,6,8 and 10.
  15. Eurovizz Member

    I need the final votes from the ones marked with red :)
  16. Arben The Flag Lover

    omggg im not allowed to vote?
    i really ddnt bother which made the top 5 from hearing the shortcuts of the songs, but this way its better to not listen to any of these 5 fully then...
  17. Eurovizz Member

    Ah I am sorry, but I hope you understand why I've done it this way (to exactly prevent what you did, hehe)

    and thanks to adam, nessie and james for the votes :) For some reason my inbox is full, so I am not allowed to send any PMs now :o
  18. James ... and his things xD

    i supose there's a way to empty it dear:D
  19. Eurovizz Member

    Voting window for my final is closed.

    Not everyone from voting process 1 voted in the final round, as supposed according to the rules after having casted their first votes. So, I had to use their votes from voting process 1, causing a different winner from SF. The point difference ended up in 2p.

    FROM SEMI FINAL: Voting system: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 pts

    SONG X - 81 pts
    SONG X2 - 74 pts

    FROM FINAL: Voting system: 2 4 6 8 10 pts

    SONG X2 - 64 pts
    SONG X - 62 pts

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