•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!


  1. Mina Member with a "past"

    So I'll be away from July 31 until August 8th. I'll be going to Paros..lovely greek island, pic underneath:D


    Where and when is everyone going?:cool:
  2. Kristiina sxesov q.f

    July 22-28 Lithuania
    August 17-19 Finland

    Everything else isn't sure yet.
  3. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    OK from the 2nd-14th of August i'm staying in Britanny (France :P) avec mon famille!!! :P And then the week after that i'm staying with friends in (brace urself!) .... LITTLEHAMPTON!!!! Yes thats right, sunny, exotic, exciting, vibrant erm ... Littlehampton!

    As i'm sure you're just sooooo intrigued about Littlehampton, here are some pictures to scare you away from ever going there :D

    (Don't get too excited now lmao)
    (thats in winter btw!)

    OK littlehampton ain't that bad :D Me and littlehampton have a kinda love-hate relationship :P

    Oh and btw Littlehamptons bid to host Olympics-2016 :P :P:
  4. c1ask0 Napkin of death holder

    I'm going to Bangor, Wales between 3rd and 10th August. It's gonna be super fun fun fun. :D
  5. Luis DLC I spread Eurovision joy in the US, oy

    You bunch of twats going everywhere without me :P

    You guys had better not set the contest back or else I'll get Silvia Night on you :D
  6. ollie2283 jedan sam čekao je ovdje!

    I am gone from the 22nd of july to the 25th - on a music borough type trip thing in wrotham with some amazing people who i have missed so much this year when we have all had exams!
  7. "Vindarna vänder bort mot nya världar, men jag lovar dig här stannar jag kvar..." ;)

    I, am not going anywhere :D but when you have views like this, or the picture below, who really needs to go anywhere else?

    A view from the top of Carn Brae looking towards Redruth/Camborne at night

    The Minack Theatre, built on a cliff face halfway between Penzance (where I went to school and now work) and Land's End (the end of the UK in the South ;)) over 100 years ago. "Minack" is Cornish for rock or a rocky place! :)

    I know I complain about where I live (more the people and the isolation, lack of development of the place) but it's very beautiful :)
  8. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    **OK I know this is isn't exactly about holidays but its kinda related so just bear with me :D**

    THE CONTEST!! The thread about the holidays and knowing when people go away etc etc is kinda irrelevant unless we have a date for the contest, and I dont wanna sound stroppy or anything but it would be a huge help if we knew when it was.

    Also, it has been getting on for a month since the last contest and I think the general concensus it that it'd be good if it could start kinda soon-ish, if thats possible dave ;)

    So pretty pretty please .. could we have a date? :) It doesn't have to be set in stone or anything but just a rough idea :)
  9. Mina Member with a "past"

    I agree with Jonny. Dave, we don't want to rush you but I'd like to be still young when the contest starts..looooooooool
  10. Almila i am what i am

    well we have a summer house in Çeşme(at the west part of İzmir)
    n im spendin my summers there as its like a magical holiday at the Meditarrenean.it's by the Aegean Sea,face to face with Chios so what would i want more :) im spendin almost one week there n one week in the city so nope u wont get rid of me :P

    * in the first picture,u can see Chios behind




  11. I hope you will all have nice holidays, and Jonny LMAO now I know where I'll go for my holiday in 2016 :D

    Slovenia was great :P

    The Adriatic Sea ...

    The Slovenian Alps ...

  12. Mina Member with a "past"

    I just wanted to let everyone know I'm back from holidays but I cant stay I'm very sick with the flu, not the swine flu but a flu nevertheless. The last 3 days of my holidays were a torture and I couldnt wait to come back home. I have a bad cough, sneezing, headache, everything hurts, at least I dont have a high fever. I hope tomorrow I can catch up with most of you. Kisses.
  13. Welcome back, Mina! Get well soon ;)
  14. Mina Member with a "past"

    Thanks, Stockholm I do feel better today except my $%%^^ throat:@
    Anyway here are some of the places I'll remember from Paros.

    1/ The cafe where we had breakfast every morning and where the cutest guy of Paros works:P

    2/a/ The restaurant with the best view...right by the sea..and the best grilled octopus[IMG]

    b/ The french restaurant where we ate one night and paid 85 euros for 2 people and everything was tiny (now I know why the French are skinny!)

    c/ The restaurant with the best food and the best dessert EVER!

    d/ The restaurant with the worst food but the funniest waiter :D[IMG]

    3/ The best bar (although too much wind and that explains why I'm sick)

    4/ The beaches I liked the most...they were all wonderful:D



  15. kotsios Call me Kots. Potter Kots

    paros looks fabulous!! and i hope u get better soon mina!!:):)

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