•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

How do you want Poll 2011 to work?


What format should Poll 2011 take (read below before voting)?

Poll closed 3rd April 2011.
Option 1 11 vote(s) 47.8%
Option 2 12 vote(s) 52.2%
Option 3 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.


    Poll 2011 will open in a few days -- but what format do you want it to be?

    1. Same as last year - one poll where you rank from 1-43 in the order you think they would finish if it was one big superfinal (pro: just one poll to vote on. con: can't predict the actual order for each semi final, just a list of projected qualifiers)

    2. Three polls - one for each semi + one for the final. The final poll would open after all of the qualifiers are known (pro: you can predict the order of each individual show. con: three polls to vote, can't vote for the final until the semis are over).

    3. A combination of both - three polls (2x semi, 1x final) plus a superfinal poll so you can see results of how you rank all of the songs in this year's contest (pro: you can predict the order of each show plus see an overall ranking of all songs without waiting for the semis to be over. con: four polls to vote may be time consuming).

    Feedback welcome, ty.
  2. Julio STRANGLES

    okay option 1 its good we can see the result for semi too just take the 10 highest spots of the countries that were on the semis, option 2 hum 3 pools may be better but I don't like to wait :P option 3 to much confusion :P

    I am a fan of Option 2!
    Last year I ranked everything as I would in a final, with Moldova suddenly being my number 4 in the semi, because I thought they would come near 12th in the final...
    So I would say: make three polls = Option 2.
    Besides this, I think some people might want to adjust their prediction after the draw. (Example: Azerbaijan had to sing 1st last year, so they went down 2 or 3 places in my prediction.) And since that draw will only be finished friday morning, there is enough time to make a prediction.
    And ofc no one is stopped from making their ranking before the official poll. You can make it in Word or Excel and then just rank the ballot the way you want to.

    i support OPTION TWO as well
  5. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    Your repulsive signature renders your opinion invalid.
  6. Erixi Member

    Option number 1. Much simpler and easier :)

    are you saying that its repulsive to have THE FLAG on my signature, jo.
  8. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    I refer to the IRISHNESS.
  9. Mina Member with a "past"

    Option #2 for me :P
  10. dan Bald Member

    Option 2 for me :)

    its Finnishness :rolleyes:

    but hey, ive realised that i have 2 songs in a row!!
  12. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    feat. IRISHNESS.
  13. I do not recognise the poll until the poll recognises :pk:
  14. adamacs RUTH DAVIDSON FOR PM.

    I'm quite lazy - so option 1 is my preference
  15. Estêvão Did you ever know that you're (JW) my hero

    Is that a Scottish trait BAS?
  16. James ... and his things xD

    I share crusty's opinion, so option 2
  17. tinada Good luck to everyone

    first pole is ok i believe..
  18. DJ Balkan Ramadanske♥

    First one I think is great :) 2nd is sorta like Big Brother Eurovision that I'm doing XD
  19. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    The vote here is now closed because Poll 2011 will open shortly. Option 2 won.
  20. that was close.

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