•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Hungary 2019

  1. Anaconda I'm as sick as fuck.

    Hungary’s A Dal grand final is scheduled for this Saturday 23 February, after three heats and two semifinals (held on 19, 26 January and 2, 9, 16 February). Links and exact time of the final will be posted closer to the event.

    The 8 finalists are (semifinal perfomances):
    1. Acoustic PlanetNyári Zápor [Summer Showers]
    2. Gergö OláhHozzád Bújnék [I’ll Hide You]
    3. Bence VavraSzótlanság [Wordlessness]
    4. The MiddletonzRoses
    5. Gergö SzékerMadár, Repülj! [Bird, Fly!]
    6. Bogi NagyHolnap [Tomorrow]
    7. Joci PápaiAz Én Apám [My Father]
    8. Fatal ErrorKulcs [Key]

    Among the finalists, you will recognise previous ESC entrants Joci Pápai (2017), and the ever present András Kállay-Saunders (2014) aka The Middletonz. From the original lineup of 30 songs that went into the heats, there are two A Dal regulars that I think might have deserved to make it to the final, but were left behind: yesyesIncomplete (Ádám Szabó still can’t sing) and Leander KillsHazavágyom [Nostalgic]. Other A Dal regular Petruska originally qualified from semifinal one (with a meh song), but was then disqualified amidst a plagiarism scandal and replaced by Gergö Oláh (God knows why, it’s awful).

    I like Bence Vavra's song the most, with Joci Pápai's a close second. Bogi Nagy's became pleasant around the 3rd listening, she's sweet. Fatal Error is wasted potential (good instrumental, lousy vocals).
  2. sokrates1988 I HATE EUROVISION

    anyone but song 4 :up:
  3. Rua Haldor Lægreid Impersonator

    Here's my OPINE:

    Acoustic Planet - I don't like her voice but I agree with the above about the instrumental, kinda sounds like something from a mid 2000's television show about friendship, it has that nostalgic feel.

    Oláh Gergő - Just yet another ballad, this time in Hungarian. Doesn't exactly entice me.

    Vavra Bence - I think he used to go by Ceasefire X one year, I liked his song then I think this is alright - it has potential but needs a bit of a revamp - the chorus is a bit screechy, though.

    The Middletonz - I'm not a fan of a rap but I can't deny this song is a strong contender and it's definitely better than Kallay's last attempt - I just wish they'd get rid of that chorus because it lets the song down a lot.

    Szekér Gergő - There's a high chance this'll end up being their entry, I would say (but when have I ever been right) - I think the Hungarian language just lends itself to music and this song is chock-a-block of tempo changes. Not particularly a fan of it but I can see the appeal - it could grow on me.

    Bogi Nagy - Call me predictable but I find this song pleasant, maybe not for Eurovision but it has a sentimental charm to it and her voice is sweet.

    Pápai Joci - As one of the minority supporters of Origo, I think this is a bit more approachable than that but the chorus is quite weak in comparison. Still alright for what it's worth.

    Fatal Error - Could be up my road but instead, it falls a bit flat due to too long of an instrumental and well, it can't compare to AWS who I really liked (and shouldn't compare to it, different genres.)
    Anaconda likes this.
  4. Mina Member with a "past"

    This has to be the song.

  5. sokrates1988 I HATE EUROVISION

  6. CTP Jass hater

    Hm. Well, most of them are capable singers. Not keen on Nagy, Middletonz especially. Vavra Bence has potential, perhaps Fatal Error as well.
  7. Anaconda I'm as sick as fuck.

    Hungary's national final A Dal will take place tonight at 6:30 WIM.

    - https://www.mediaklikk.hu/a-dal-2019-hirek/cikk/2019/02/23/itt-kovethetitek-eloben-a-dal-2019-dontojet
    - http://oklivetv.com/duna-tv-live/?f...K1ZZJEjiwuU0meDVBEqOyZ_OLnB0OzHDBnsEBK_hPSVhc

    Voting (according to Wikipedia):
    "The winner of the competition will be selected over two rounds of voting. In the first round, the jury will determine the top four entries that will advance to the second round. [...] Each juror will announce their scores after all songs had been performed rather than assigning scores following each performance and the jurors will rank their preferred top four entries and assign points in the following manner: 4 (lowest), 6, 8 and 10 (highest). The four entries with the highest total scores will proceed to the second round."
  8. Anaconda I'm as sick as fuck.

    Joci Pápai has done it again and will be representing Hungary in Tel Aviv, with his song Az Én Apám [My Father]:

    Detailed results:
  9. Rua Haldor Lægreid Impersonator

    Not as instant as Origo but more accessible - not bad but I'm not sure on it just yet.
    Anaconda likes this.

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