•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Is the UK actually going to have a serious commentary!?

  1. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/8029511.stm - Read this interview with Grahame Norton!

    This part I was impressed with:

    But Norton, known for his near-the-knuckle humour and impishness, isn't necessarily going to use the commentary box as a platform to poke fun at other countries' performances in Moscow.

    "You only take the mickey out of something if it's worth taking the mickey out of. Listening to the songs, I think a lot of them are actually quite good this year.

    "I'll get there and say what I see fit," explains Norton, who says he has been watching old contests and needs to know "more than the average Joe" for his new job.

    Does that mean that maybe the UK will have a commentary that doesn't poke fun at every song!?!?! We live in hope! :)

    Also theres a BBC report asking whether we can win: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/8051365.stm (I don't think it'll be available outside of the UK :()
  2. I have to admit, I was very impressed with Norton when he was interviewed during last night's semi. He made Cawood look like the fookin' amateur she is and I'm looking forward to hearing what he says on Saturday...although it's a shame Hungary aren't there :P that would just be pure TV gold.
  3. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    ROFL yes! No doubt we're gonna get a full commentary on what the "in" colours are and who has dressed "sooooo last year"!! :D Its gonna be immense!! Initially I was quite anti-norton and more pro-ross/woss, but now i'm looking forward to his commentary and I reckon i'll like him more than Wogan :P
  4. Mark New Member

    He thought Moldova was bad ... so no.

    But his fav is Portugal ... so maybe.

    He did speak some sense in the SF2 last night, which is good, but then also some bad...

    He can only be better than Terry though.

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