•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Jade on the Jonathan Woss Show !!

  1. Mark New Member

    As we all know some people are not happy with ALW now ... here are my views

    1) I can't believe the Jonathan Ross show went as low to get Jade + ALW on, they had Lady Gaga on last week and then to Jade ... eeeeek !

    2) Jade look sooooo nervous and hardly had any input or focus

    3) Jonathan Ross did actually seem to like Jade and was impressed by her vocals, but I suppose he has to

    4) ALW is still annoying as ever.

    5) He was right to say We are not gonna win, because he know he is, so he won't look like such a twat after ESC. But I do feel sorry for Jade for that

    6) They played stupid ESC clips from the past, when they should have showed some good clips ... giving the British public the negative impression that is still around ESC... but PUMP PUMP made it once again ...

    7) Generally the interview was crap :D:D

    8) I love the Jonathan Ross show !!

    I've probs missed loads ... but oh well ...
  2. Mina Member with a "past"

    He was wrong because you stand a big chance of winning and I know more about eurovision than ALW (for sure:P)
  3. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    Shes on Saturday kitchen right now, and she seems alot more natural and relaxed, probs because ALW is nowhere to be seen lol :D I also think ALW was a tad drunk last night.
  4. Mark New Member

    I think ALW had plastic surgery - or a good make up team - his tea bags didn't seem to be as bad !!
  5. Mina Member with a "past"

    just wanted to remind you to make the poll about Russia;) (and Georgia, if you want:P)
  6. Mark New Member

    ooooooooooooh yes !! danke :D
  7. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    That was, quite frankly, the best bit of the whole show.
  8. Mina Member with a "past"

  9. ollie2283 jedan sam Ĩekao je ovdje!

    she was amazing on saturday kitcten - at least james whatshisface gave a pretty neutral interview throughout the show, and 4 albums :o
  10. I wish I had been able to watch the Jonathan Ross show :)

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