•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Jade, Rybak, Sakis and Slampa in a British magazine !!

  1. Mark New Member

    I was out shopping and then I saw a huge picture of Jade looking stunning on the front of a magazine, 5 minutes later I was lifted up by a macho-lesbo guard as I fainted (not really)

    So naturally I brought the magazine, I felt soooo gay buying it as it was all in pink :D but one has to buy something with Eurovision on ... so now I was reading it and in it there's Rybak, Sakis and Slamplana's face - EWWWWWWW - as "The Hot Competition" and made some right fun about them ... Here it says ...

    NORWAY Even more famous for getting nil points, things could be different this year for Norway. "Eccentric genius" Alexander Rybak, 23, has been playing his violin and composing his own songs since he was five. He was also born in Belarus, and thus they will give him 12 points

    GREECE Sakis Rouva (that isn't my typo) came third in 2004 and is being wheeled out for another bash at glory. He's a big star in his homeland, and has been called 'the ultimate pop star'. We're told 'everyone is talking about his flawless presentation and remarkable singing performances' Everyone except us.

    UKRAINE Svetlana Loboda is using her entry into Eurovision to highlight the horrors of domestic violence. She covers herself in cuts and bruises, done with make-up, to make her look battered. But curiously, her song is called Be My Valentine.

    Jade sounds very positive, and interesting says she is more famous in other countries than in the United Kingdom. She raises a good point that big UK stars don't enter because they are already known, but other countries send their top ones, because it is the only way they can be known. She mentions how the big 4 don't normally take it serious. She says someone has to win, so why can't she. Her chances are 1 in 25, and says that it's not just the fiddle guy in with the chance. Her dress is elegant and has amazing detail. She also say she can't help her results, but she can help her credibility.

    Graham Norton says our entry is world-class. Jade has great talent and beauty. The best the UK can do, sing a good song and be proud of it and if Europe doesn't like it - it's their loss. He was impressed by the other songs and says he will never re-fill Terry's shoes ...

    It also mentions about Dita Van Teese and the german "techo-porn" song ...

    It was a positive interview and looking at ESC more differently than before - so hurah !!
  2. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    ROFL SAKIS IS A WOMAN!!! (Cos of the way Greek surnames work)

    Btw was it "woman's weekly"!? Cos I have to deliver one of those on a Tuesday or Wednesday and Grahame Norton was on the front of it this week, and yes Mark, if you were buying Woman's weekly you would have looked rather gay seeing as its aimed at middle aged housewives rofl.
  3. ROFL you loved it really you slampa :P
  4. Mark New Member

    ROFLROFLROFL I saw Jade, as I must buy it ofc. !! Jade was also blowing bubbles too - so she is officially awesome ...
  5. Mark New Member

    I think I might actually read the other topics in there :D:D
  6. Mark New Member

    I just got 6/8 on guessing Celebs bottoms - GO ME !!! :D:D
  7. MILKshake  

    no Chaira on this magazine? then it should be burn haha :D:D
  8. Well, after seeing Chiara and Sakis' bums so many times, I should hope so! ^^ :P
  9. Mark New Member

    She was too big to fit on the page Milk :D
  10. MILKshake  

    aww poor Chiara i am feeling upset instead of her rofl

    *gimme a tissue*
  11. Kevin New Member

    omg! scan it and let us see!
  12. Mark New Member

    How on earth do you scan !?

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