•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Junior Nordic Song Contest 2009: Stockholm

  1. Eurovizz Member

    The Junior Nordic Song Contest will finally be scheduled tomorrow evening on 28 November in Stockholm, Sweden ;) The participating countries this year are:


    Each of this year's participating countries will be represented by two entries each. Let's take a look at the four countries' winner entries :D - and of course, judge :o

    PelleB - Kun Min and Engledrys - Familien, min bedste venn

    Ulrik Munther - En vanlig dag and Rebecca Jansson - Skaffa en annan tjej

    Jørgen Dahl Moe - Din egen vei and Mystery - Rock er sunt

    The Black White Boys - Kommer du ihåg mig? and Amanda - Jag vil leva


  2. CTP Jass hater

    I finally decided to listen to these songs, and I must say, the winner deserved it. Rock e sunt was also well performed. Amanda from Finland seemed to have a nice song, the performance wasn't all that great though. If I never hear another song from PellieB I'll die happy. Rebecca from Sweden... good lord... she seems to have mistaken 2009 with 1989...

    And yes, Oro Aska Beana is a great entry, and deserved to win last year! I should try yelling it out my window next time the neighbours dogs keep barking, maybe they will listen to that...

    "Din egen vei" (Norway) reminds me a little of "Empty room" :P

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