•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Liam's leftover promo crap give-away 2012!

  1. Liam Esterran.

    Basically I have too much crap that I got given in Baku that I really don't need! So I'm looking to clear out my stash before I head back to Australia. I'm keeping some of the stuff that I've put into a separate pile, but this is a list of the stuff I have left over that is up for grabs.

    1x Eurovision Polo Shirt (White, size small) (Gerly)
    2x Nina Badric Nebo promo CDs
    1x Pasha Parfeny Lautar CDs (Nessie)
    2x Buranovskiye Babushki Party for Everybody CDs
    1x Max Jason Mai Don't Close Your Eyes CD (no case w/ Biography) (Gerly)
    1x Roman Lob Standing Still CD (Unser Star Fur Baku version) (Matt)
    1x Pastora Soler Quedate Conmigo CD (Julio)
    1x Rona Nishliu Suus CD (Luis)
    1x Valentina Monetta CD w/ Poster (Gianluca)

    Now obviously this give-away is only for people I consider my friends, so I'm really sorry to most of you people as you won't be eligible. So I'm going to say that if you have me on facebook, you're probably eligible and if not, you can ask here but a general good rule is that if you've been in the contest you're in with a shot. But feel free to ask, I can only say no!

    jw, James and Dan have already had stuff allocated to them (Austria, Ireland and Turkish stuff respectively).
    MagicGianluk, NickEmpel and dan like this.
  2. Gian My avatar is fat and frumpy

    Valentina Monetta's CD. Might I have more infos about it?I am really interested in it. And the poster ofc!
  3. Julio STRANGLES

    May I have Gaitana or Pastora :baby: I say ''or'' on the point I don't matter with any of those so if anyone else wants one of those I stay with the other (cause I think Janet would be delighted with Gaitana)
  4. Liam Esterran.

    One of my friends back home just asked if he could have Gaitana's CD, so I've promised that to him (and edited it out of the list), but the Pastora CD is yours J-man.

    Facebook message me your home address.
    Julio likes this.
  5. matthewbell32 Du kommer alltid vara nummer 1 för mig

    I would absolutely love one of the Babushki CDs and maybe the Roman Lob one too? You don't need my address because I can get them from you in Estonia next week :D

    I don't think I fitted the eligibility criteria anyway :P
  7. Liam Esterran.

    FYI Merj, you do. So if you want something remaining, feel free to ask.
    Merjan likes this.

    wow Liam!! could I have one of those Lautar CD's?? That would be so great :D
  9. Liam Esterran.

    Ofc. Just send me your address on FB! BTW turns out one of my spare Lautar CDs was signed, so you got a signed copy :D
  10. Liam Esterran.

    Most stuff now gone, act now or it'll all be gone entirely!
  11. Oisin New Member

    Would I be able to have Pasha Parfeny Lautar CD? Or a Buranovskiye Babushki Party for Everybody CD? Dont know If I'm eligible or not lol :P
  12. Liam Esterran.

    I'm really sorry and I don't mean to be a dick Oisin, but I don't really know you well enough. Maybe next year?

    I think I might call it there and use the rest as give aways when it's my turn on the escXtra livestream next.
  13. Oisin New Member

    I figured as much :P But I thought may aswell ask :D
  14. James ... and his things xD

    Oh you are still alive, oisin:o

    He's been around James; he might be thinking the same about you :P
  16. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

  17. Oisin New Member

    Ive been around :P Just been busy finishing off my college exams and then Ive been working most evenings lol Only been on here briefly the past few days :P
  18. Liam Esterran.

    Estonian girl, I gave them to her because it was stuff nobody seemed to want and she was in the livestream a lot. I thought people here might remember her so I didn't bother to remove them completely, but yeah, stuff went to some non-chatters too

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