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Maria Haukaas Storeng back in MGP 2010?

  1. Eurovizz Member


    Maria Haukaas Storeng said on Friday night during the All-Star Concert to a Norwegian version of Star Channel in Greece that she'll make a serious consideration in returning at MGP 2010 and maybe for Norway in OSLO :D:D She also added in the red carpet that MGP/Eurovision is always fun, and that she also wishes NRK to choose Telenor Arena as next year's hostvenue :) Btw she did also mention that she's on her work to release a new album soon !
  2. Removed User #2 New Member

    YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY !! She is great, but she needs an even better song than Hold On Be Strong, otherwise she should never return.

    But ESC 08, MF 09 + Host MGP 09, and now ESC 10 again? isn't it a bit too much all in one go... As long as Rybak doesn't get it into his head I suppose it's all good :D
  3. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    Well if its the Norwegian version of Star Channel saying this ... lol :D But anyway I wouldn't mind seeing her back at all :) I agree with Mark in that she needs a better song than Hold on be strong as the contest has already moved on tonnes since 2008 and is the final is going to be bloody difficult by the time Oslo rolls around :P

    LOL & Mark is also right in that shes turned into a bit of a euro-junkie!! MF 09 was a bad idea let's be honest, even if (IMO!) she should have at least made second chance round (if not the final!) it was a bit if an epic failure whichever what way you look at it :o "Killing me tenderly" however is one of few MF09 songs I still listen to regularly :D

    Regardless of whether shes going to take part in MGP or not, is she still in contention to host? Cos she speaks fantastic english, has a lovely smile and is generally a really warm sort of person, so I think she'd make a great host :)
  4. Eurovizz Member

    But she said those sentences from her own mind to this channel :) There is a video of the interview below the article in the link I posted too
  5. As much as I love her she needs to STAY THE FUCK AWAY from ESC for at least 5 more years to avoid going into overkill and avoid becoming a one-trick pony - otherwise it will be VERY Carola 2008-esque. She needs to get herself a hobby or something, because this unnatural need to be in the contest every year is NOT HEALTHY; be happy with what you have accomplished already you daft bint.
  6. Removed User #2 New Member

    Her hobby is being the Norwayish version of Carola ofc. - The Norwayish should watch out for flying flowerpots soon...
  7. MF 09 was a bad idea let's be honest

    Am I the only one who thought it was fantastic to see Maria together with Anna in MF :D And I really liked "Killing me tenderly". I agree though that she should stay away from ESC for a couple of years.

    Thanks for the info Eurovizz :)
  8. Marko FOR LIFE New Member

    I think it is not good to return for Norway only after 2 years!:S
    Norway should try with smth differnet as host country! Sichelle for example!! :)
  9. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    I thought it was fantastic also :) I love the song and they're both great singers BUT I think it ended up being a bad idea in that everybody had huge expectatoins for them so when they crashed out the semi it was a bit if a dissapointment.

    But I think she was entering more for the experience than to actually get to Eurovision so maybe the results weren't her main priority anyway ;)

    Btw although I don't think they'll do MGP again ..... SURFEROSA FOR NORWAY!!!!!!!

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