•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Merry Christmas everyone!

  1. Mina Member with a "past"

    I'm going to be away for 4 days so I wanted to wish everyone Happy Christmas and see you on Sunday :D



  2. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    Merry Christmas everybody!! And have a nice holiday mina :P
  3. Merry Christmas everyone !

  4. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

  5. Btw, why couldn't I insert my pic as an image :S instead of a link ?
  6. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    You clicked it? :D
  7. Almila i am what i am


  8. Merry Christmas everyone!!! :)

    ...and all the best for 2010!


  9. Arben The Flag Lover

    This is my christmas gift to Jonny and everyone else who did or did not like "carry me into your dreams".

    This is a new more rocky versions, completely LIVE... with beautiful violins etc.

    IMO this should have been played at ESC instead of the pop version.

    ENJOY.. its greater than the original imo:D Merry Chrismas.
    (and hopefully even jonny will like it now : pray : )
  10. Kiewen New Member

    I quite appreciate Kejsi as an early Christmas present. Thank you, Arben.
  11. Eurovizz Member

    Merry Christmas to everyone <3
  12. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    Arben I never thought i'd say this but I am beginning to like that song (in that version ofcourse) :o :P

    Anyway just popped by to say Happy Christmas everybody!! :) I hope everybody has a great day tomorrow/had a great day today (whenever you have/will celebrate it!) :D
  13. c1ask0 Napkin of death holder

    Have a good day! :D
  14. Thanks Arben :) I prefer that version.

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