hey guys i got a message from eurovizz that she wishes me to pass onto you Hello guys, At the moment, I am at hospital (lying on the bed) and have borrowed a laptop from my neighbour in my room to answer many mails and concerns from my friends, and to ofc send some greetings from me to you guys on escchat The reason why I'm at hospital is as you guys probably have noticed, that I've been very ill in the recent days. I didn't expect my migraines and fever to be an emergency at all, and was not in the consciousness when I was driven to the hospital Friday morning (4 am at least as I was told) by the ambulance. So yeah, I woke up in the consciousness today earlier. As I said, I didn't expect this and therefore very sorry if people soon will get angry and unpatient with my votes (btw I dunno when the submission-date is?). They've said I could go home on Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning, but not sure yet. I can't do anything now, and I do already feel exhausted by having my face in front of a laptop. Would have been nice if you either posted this mail in a thread, or could say it to the other people, so that I dont need to answer and tell when I get home what happened with me as I am very exhausted and sad. Good night Vizz so you know now vizz hasn't fallen off the face of the earth lol! get well soon vizz we miss you xx
Aww, no! Wishing you a speedy recovery Vizz you big bag of splendid! Hope you're feeling good again soon xx
Oh my Chelsea then thats the reason...i was thinkin n concerned about her yesterday as shes not around 4a while n the last time ive talked to her she was kinda quiet caus she had that fever n i was punchin her as a jokefor lookin at pc.speedy recovery girl!im gonna miss our nonsense talks or maybe u can get better with Js kiss just like snow white haha.hope to hear from u soon my nordic joy.love u!x
AAAww vizz,last month i had that too: i never woke up in the middle of the night( not even as a child), but in june i woke up at 4 oclock because of migrane....this was the worst pain i ever had (yes, even worse than teeth problems)... u can imagine when i wake up of them though i NEVER wake up before 7 ... im so sorry for u...
ohhhh,, get well soon honey hope you'll feeling better soonish enough and to be with us quicky quick *hugss*
if u read this chelsea i hope u get well soon and you shouldnt worry at all about voting!! we can wait!
well first of all thanks aaron for telling us about Chelsea's clinical situation... I won't say anything new because I just hope the same for Chelsea, like everyone here does! So Chelsea I hope you will get well and as soon as possible, preferentially. Get well soon, because health is very important for us and it is one of our most precious possessions. So I hope you will manage to be here with us, as quick as a flash! Bye these are my sincerest hopes and wishes and I just wish you the best!
Chelsea My sentiments are just like everyone else Please get well soon. We all worry about you, even your "Coco Banana"
Finally I am at home Thank you so much for the nice messages and greetings from you guys, it was amazing to read them