•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Miasnakan Promo #25

  1. MORKMINDY Weird Person :D

    First off Congratulations to Furnyland and Jamoukovia for a great show and Congrats to Inspireland as well :D

    Also Thank you to those who voted for Miasnakan in #24 (Namely Moofistan who gave us our highest points in #24 :P)

    Moving on to our entry for 25, we are going back to what we love the most.. Rock! :P (and as Balunistan would put it 'There is screaming!' :D)
    But it is a Rock band, who formed in Canada! When they broke up and re-formed under a new name :P

    Good luck to all in 25 :P
    Merjan and Julio like this.
  2. matthewbell32 Du kommer alltid vara nummer 1 för mig

    if there is any element of screaming it will be metaphorical marmite to me, good luck!
  3. Entario Junior Member

    Loving rock :D

    Good luck in #25! Very excited to see your choice :D
    MORKMINDY likes this.
  4. Gian My avatar is fat and frumpy

    WOW, Rock Song
    i think i'll prepare a chamomille for this contest
    Good luck Miasnakan!

    Sorry Mork, I thought I'd already written this...

    So, Three Days Grace. If you'd sent "I Hate Everything About You" not only could I have voted for it but I wouldn't have to send it myself at a later date! :sneaky: If jw is right about returning artists never doing very well, they'll stand no chance by then.

    Good luck.
  6. MORKMINDY Weird Person :D

    Yes maybe however i was thinking of 'I hate everything about you' though i opted for 'Animal i have become', though i noticed Three Days Grace front singer in another song that was sent and won (by anette ofc) :P but we will see :)... Good luck yourself :D

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