•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

My 2014 ranking

  1. 258147 New Member

    12 Points :hu: HUN
    10 Points :es: ESP
    8 Points :gr: GRE
    7 Ponts :dk: DEN
    6 Points :ie: IRL
    5 Points :me: MNE
    4 Points :de: GER
    3 Points :se: SWE
    2 Points :pt: POR
    1 Point :it: ITA
  2. Code9189 And There's a Noisy Storm Outside me...

  3. trisssy1 Member

    My top 37 for eurovision 2014

    1. :am: Aram MP3 - Not alone
    2. :uk: Molly - Children of the universe
    3. :il: Mei Finegold - Same heart
    4. :se: Sanna Nielsen- Undo
    5. :de: Elaiza - Is it right
    6. :es: Ruth Lorenzo - Dancing in the rain
    7. :nl: The Common linnets - Calm after the storm
    8. :ie: Cann-Linn feat. Kaser Smith - Heartbeat
    9. :ch: Sebaltar - Hunter of stars
    10. :mk: Tijana - To the sky
    11. :si: Tinkara Kovač - Round and round
    12. :mt: Firelight - Coming home
    13. :no: Carl Epsen - Silent storm
    14. :at: Conchita Wurst - Rise like a Phoenix
    15. :be: Alex Hirsoux - Mother
    16. :dk: Basim - Cliche love song
    17. :ro: Paula Seling & Ovi - Miracle
    18. :is: Pollapönk - No prejudice
    19. :fr: Twin twin - Moustache
    20. :gr: Freaky fortune feat. Riskykidd - Rise up
    21. :pl: Donatan & Cleo - My slowianie
    22. :it: Emma - La mia città
    23. :az: Dilara Kazimova - Start a fire
    24. :ua: Maria Yaremchuk - Tick-tock
    25. :ee: Tanja - Amazing
    26. :me: Sergej Ćetković - Moj svijet
    27. :fi: Softengine - Something better
    28. :hu: András Kállay-Saunders - Running
    29. :pt: Suzy - Quero ser tua
    30. :ge: The Shin and mariko - Three minutes to earth
    31. :lt: Vilija Matačiūnaitė - Attention
    32. :ru: Tolmachevy sisters - Shine
    33. :al: Hersi - One night's anger
    34. :md: Christina Scarlat - Wild soul
    35. :sm: Valentina Monetta - Maybe (Forse)
    36. :lv: Aarzemnieki - Cake to bake
    37. :by: TEO - Cheesecake
  4. Marc Member

    :nl: 12
    :is: 10
    :pl: 8
    :ro: 7
    :no: 6
    :uk: 5
    :se: 4
    :az: 3
    :ge: 2
    :am: 1

    11. :me:
  5. Clownface New Member

    12 Spain
    10 Holland
    8 Ireland
    7 San Marino
    6 Norway
    5 Greece
    4 Finland
    3 Sweden
    2 Armenia
    1 Romania

  7. SuperRussian New Member

    1. Poland :pl:
    2. Azerbaijan :az:
    3. Austria :at:
    4. San Marino :sm:
    5. Armenia :am:
    6. Montenegro :me:
    7. Switzerland :ch:
    8. Moldova :md:
    9. Russia :ru:
    10. Slovenia :si:

    Bottom 3:
    35. Iceland :is:
    36. Latvia :lv:
    37. Malta :mt:

  9. DenDutch Well-Known Member

    the seasonals ofc
  10. jimmy lawrence New Member

    1.:nl:The Common Linnets-calm after the storm.
    2.:uk:Molly Smitten Downes-children of the universe.
    3.:ch:Sebalter-hunter of stars.
    4.:at:Conchita Wurst-rise like a pheonix.
    5.:se:Sanna Nielsen-undo.
    6.:is:Pollaponk-no prejudice.
    7.:de:Elaiza-is it right.
    8.:es:Ruth Lorenzo-dancing in the rain.
    9.:no:Carl Espen-silent storm.
    10.:ua:Mariya Yaremchuk-tick tock.
    11.:pl:Donatan and Cleo-My slowiane.
    12.:gr:Freaky Fortune FT. RiskyKidd-rise up.
    13.:hu:Andras Kallay Saunders-running.
    14.:pt:Suzy-quero ser tua.
    15.:ie:Can Linn FT. kasey Smith-heartbeat.
    16.:it:Emma Marrone-la mia citta.
    17.:md:Cristina Scarlat-wild soul.
    18.:fi:Softengine-something better.
    19.:ro:Paula Selling and Ovi-miracle.
    20.:ru:The Tolmachevy Sisters-shine.
    21.:sm:Valentina Monetta-maybe.
    22.:dk:Basim-cliche love song.
    23.:mt:Firelight-coming home.
    24.:si:Tinkara Kovac-round and round.
    25.:fr:TWIN TWIN-moustache.
    26.:am:Aram Mp3-not alone.
    29.:il:Mei Finegold-same heart.
    30.:mk:Tijana Dapcevic-to the sky.
    31.:lv:Aarzemneiki-cake to bake.
    32.:ge:The Shin and Mariko-three minutes to earth.
    33.:az:Dilara Kazimova-start a fire.
    34.:al:Hersiana Matmuja-one nights anger.
    35.:me:Sergej Cetkovic-moj svijet.
    36.:be:Axel Hirsoux-mother.
    37.:lt:Vilija Mataciunaite-attention.

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