•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

My Opinion on Eurovision 2010


    c1ask0's blog inspired me to do my own ESC 2010 Blog.
    I will start with number 39, and end with number 1!

    39: Slovenia :si: - What should I say? Slovenia wants to be seen as a Central European country. But if you want that, don't send this Naaaaajboooooo crap! I truly hate it!
    38: Lithuania :lt: - It is quite likeable, but not my cup of tea. I don't like this kind of 'humour'. Please don't qualify!
    37: Moldova :md: - What a train wreck! I really don't understand people having this in their top 10....
    36: United Kingdom :uk: - I liked the first version, but this final one is a complete train wreck. It might be a 0-pointer...
    35: Azerbaijan :az: - Why the fuss about this song? It is kinda nice, definitely. But NO WAY Baku 2011! Luis has his Sveta's and I have my Sasha's: Songs low on my ranking, but I think they will do well. Azzerbaijan gets the Sasha Award this year for sure!
    34: Russia :ru: - Peter's song is not my style, but ok, when you get yourself to listen to it more often, it starts to be likeable.
    33: Macedonia :mk: - The song is quite nice, but what on earth is the rapper doing in it? That completely ruins a Top 10-position for me
    32: Romania :ro: - Likeable, but very very very cheap! Not my style!
    31: Armenia :am: - I don't understand what people love in it, I like it, but it's not a winner for me.
    30: Bulgaria :bg: - The oooooooooooooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooo ruins the song, too bad! Bulgaria definitely had a chance for a top 10 in Oslo, but they should have left the ooooooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooo out
    29: Switzerland :ch: - Awesome French song, could be annoying after a while. But I like it, only Michael needs to lose that haircut xD
    28: Malta :mt: - A nice ballad, but too forgettable!
    27: Iceland :is: - A typical ESC song, but not what I wished to see from Hera. Hera should go again next year, but with a better song I hope!
    26: Slovakia :sk: - Very very nice! Just too bad I think there are 22 songs better this year! But I wouldn't mind to see my top 25 winning actually!
    25: Denmark :dk: - Typical, very very typical ESC. I like it actually, but it's the same case as Slovakia.
    24: Israel :il: - A very nice, but kinda boring ballad. Harels voice makes up for the boringness, which make sure it is entering my top 25!
    23: Cyprus :cy: - A very nice song, makes me very happy! A bit boring though... Cyprus sends a good entry again, after the 2009 crap. I loved Cyprus in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and then they failed to be in the top. Now they are back!
    22: Croatia :hr: - Definitely better then their first ESC Entry, an outsider for the victory! I love the fact they kept it in Croatian!
    21: Latvia :lv: - Love it! The lyrics make me laugh, but it is so awesome. But please lose the laundry xD!
    20: Turkey :tr: - Deserved the award for biggest grower this year. When I first heard it, it was around Armenia and Georgia, but it grew and grew and now I love it!
    19: Belarus :by: - A very nice song, and after Koldun, the best English pronounciation I have ever heard from Belarus. Anyway, a very nice, quiet ballad.
    18: Serbia :rs: - Finally! A funny entry I love! Awesome! Go Serbia!
    17: Holland :nl: - The lyrics are kinda crappy, the music and Sieneke are very nice. I hope we will qualify for the final, but I doubt it. Go Sieneke anyway!
    16: Sweden :se: - Very spiritual! Love it! I am very glad you have to sing live at ESC, 'cause the Swedish Studio Version is a complete disaster compared to the live version. Oh btw, Anna, keep the sneakers xD
    15: Albania :al: - It is still growing on me, but won't enter the top 10! Juliana's voice might be the best voice in ESC 2010, but the song was better in Albanian. I love it though!
    14: Norway :no: - Norway is definitely going for another victory, a great outsider, will get a lot of points because of the song and don't forget the 'hosting-points'! I see a Top 5 for Norway!
    13: Spain :es: - Algo Pequenito! I really like this song, I prefer Spain's 2009 entry, but Daniel is in my top for sure! Go Daniel!
    12: Poland :pl: - Was my number 1 for a little while, but dropped to #8. I really hope they will qualify for the final and be in the Top 10!
    11: France :fr: - Allez La France! A very cheerful song! It sounds like pure summer!
    10: Estonia :ee: - The title of the song is quite correct! The singer does sound like a Siren! It is so weird, I really like this weird song! Siren is definitely in my head!
    9: Finland :fi: - Clap along with the Finnish girls! I love it, but don't want it to win, so, Luis, I will copy your word: My Sveta in 2010!
    8: Ireland :ie: - I love to see Niamh Kavanagh (pronounce as: ''Neev Kavaner'', thanks for teaching me that, Dave!) back in ESC! Her voice must be better then at the NF, but It's For You is definitely a wonderful song!
    7: :Georgia :ge: - WHAT A VOICE, seriously, the best vocals in years, this girl is awesome.
    6: Greece :gr: - A truly Greek song! I love the Greek language, so I am very happy it is in Greek! Opa!
    5: Bosnia-Herzegovina :ba: - Bosnia grew on me the last few days! Awesome song, but I had to get used to it! Love it now!
    4: Belgium :be: - My dear neighbours are back! They were obviously mad when Kate Ryan failed in 2006, you can see that when you look at their 2007, 2008 and 2009 crap! But now, they are back, with a guy that reminds me of James Blunt! Tom is just a better version of James! Me And My Guitar will surely get my vote when it reaches the Final!
    3: Portugal :pt: - A pretty song by maybe the prettiest girl in this year's ESC. I truly love it and Portugal deserves a top 5, finally! Please Europe, give Portugal a top placing!
    2: Ukraine :ua: - Please make sure Antidepressants are around you when you hear it. It is awesome though, Alyosha is pretty, her voice is good, and the song is very powerful. A clear message, LOVE IT! Climbed from #26 to #7 to #1! GO ALYOSHA! Let's go to Kiev in 2011!
    1: Germany :de: - Lena will do very well in Oslo. A chance of winning? FOR SURE Lena is awesome, her English is funny, the song is awesome! I LOVE LENA

    Now, this is my top 39! If you have comments to it, please post them!:D
  2. Mina Member with a "past"

    Thank God you have Spain (and Greece) in your top 5 or we wouldn't agree on anything ;D
  3. Eurovizz Member

    Not to sound biased, but I agree so much with your point about getting "hosting points", regarding Norway. I have experienced the same effect before (2008), I was back then not an ESC fan at all but I favoured Ani Lorak after watching her in the 2nd semi final. However, in the final evening - I ended up with voting for Serbia. Nor had I heard their song before or was planned to vote for it. When I saw Jelena on stage for the very first time, all the thoughts about her presenting a great song and the fact that she represented the hostcountry as well (which delivered a fantastic show), made me just vote for her :)

    I could've voted for Ani Lorak as well, but again - back then I wasn't a real Eurovision fan and thus didn't know you actually could vote with a maximum of 20 times.

    EDIT: There is a new version of My Heart Is Yours now. I don't know how to rip the audio. Anyways, it's not much different, NRK has just decided to let a choir join Didrik on stage when he sings the ending part to make it more powerful and explosive. Therefore, no violinists which you saw in his NF performance will be present :)
  4. c1ask0 Napkin of death holder

    Happy to see Poland, France and Belgium near the top where they should be, but Bosnia & Herzegovina is better than you think. :P

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