•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

My ranking

  1. James ... and his things xD


    I was thinking of making a video but movie maker closed unexpectedly and I didnt save it, so here's my ranking. :D
    I decided not to include Belgium.

    01. :it:
    02. :az:
    03. :sm:
    04. :hu:
    05. :mt:
    06. :fi:
    07. :ch:
    08. :nl:
    09. :no:
    10. :es:
    11. :uk:
    12. :de:
    13. :lv:
    14. :ua:
    15. :ru:
    16. :fr:
    17. :is:
    18. :ee:
    19. :hr:
    20. :ge:
    21. :lt:
    22. :se:
    23. :ie:
    24. :il:
    25. :md:
    26. :dk:
    27. :mk:
    28. :rs:
    29. :cy:
    30. :si:
    31. :me:
    32. :at:
    33. :am:
    34. :bg:
    35. :by:
    36. :gr:
    37. :al:
    38. :ro:
  2. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    Too embarrassed, dearest? <<
    sissel kvamme likes this.
  3. James ... and his things xD

    No dearest, it would have been my number 2, so it wasnt objective;
  4. ESPeurovision With ESDM until the end.

    Thanks for 10th place :)
  5. sissel kvamme Active Member

    U have a good ranking, nice to see Norway in top 10. ,...and San Marino as number 3, i'ts a grower for me , spain as well. By the way, i have my homecountry second too, i'm not objectiv at all, but i love our song this year. The Belgium song became much better in the studio version. God luck :up:
  6. ESC New Member

    I loved your top 39 only you had wrong @ 1st place.It have to be Azerbaijan:up::az:
  7. Danicorvaz New Member

    38. :ro: (I agree xD)
    37. :al: (Low-average song for me, but it hasn't been more than 26th in my top)
    36. :gr: (I don't like this year, 28th and falling down)
    35. :by: (my 25th, It's not as good as last year song, it sounds repetitive)
    34. :bg: (27th (it started being 30th) and climbing in my top)
    33. :am: (Even overrated for me, xD)
    32. :at: :)'() My 14th
    31. :me: :)'( :'() My 10th
    30. :sk: :)'( :'( :'() My 3rd
    29. :cy: :)o) My 11th
    28. :rs: (I agree :up:)
    27. :mk: (I agree :up:)
    26. :dk: (I think it's not so good as others think but I would give it top 12)
    25. :md: (Underrated in English, overrated in Romanian) (in my opinion)
    24. :il: (Nothing special to me, my 31st)
    23. :ie: (I agree :up:)
    22. :se: (A little upper in my top, 15th)
    21. :lt: (I agree :up:)
    20. :ge: :)'( :'()
    19. :hr: (Overrated in my opinion)
    18. :ee: (I agree :up:)
    17. :is: (Totally agree, it's my 17th too hehe :D)
    16. :fr: (A little lower in my top: 23th)
    15. :ru: (A little upper in my top: 7th)
    14. :ua: :)o) My 5th
    13. :lv: (I don't like it, my 37th/38 because I didn't put my country in my top)
    12. :de: (A little upper in my top: 6th)
    11. :uk: :)heart: Love this beautiful song, It's my 13th)
    TOP 10:
    10. :es: (Thank you but I think we won't be more than 20th :()
    9. :no: (My winner)
    8. :nl: (Sorry for people who loves it, but in my opinion the song is awful)
    7. :ch: (Not so good to me: my 20th)
    6. :fi: (Funny song, I agree :up:)
    5. :mt: (Not so good to me (18th) but it deserves a place in the final more than last year)
    4. :hu: (Boring: my 32nd)
    3. :sm: (Agree, It could be a great winner, 2nd in my top at the moment :up:)
    2. :az: (Azerbaijan has in 2013 the best entry for four years, my 9th place)
    1. :it: (I can't see it as a winner but it isn't a bad song, average song for me. L'amore è femmina was very good ;))
    sissel kvamme likes this.

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