•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

New Spin-off "NF Songs"


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Yes 8 vote(s) 72.7%
No 3 vote(s) 27.3%
  1. DJ Balkan Ramadanske♥

    Hello everyone!!!

    I love National Finals (NFs) a lot! It gets me excited for the Eurovision season.

    This my idea:

    NF spin-off will occur once every year and those songs must be from the latest NF of an Eurovision country (same year as we do spin off) for example this year I could pick Alban Skendëraj & Miriam Cani - Ende ka Shpresë for this year's NF Spin-off (just an example)

    I would like to to start this year, but I want your opinions of this idea or even suggestions!

    Yours sincerely,

    Lilly.. likes this.
  2. Estêvão Did you ever know that you're (JW) my hero

    this is a WONDERFUL idea! However...

    We currently are in one edition. After it is the Eurovision edition. A National Final "spin-off" should occur PRIOR to the Eurovision edition. With the amount of time needed to submit songs, have them approved, time to vote, and then LOTS of time to produce a proper results show, there simply is not enough time to fit in special NF edtion prior to Eurovision edition THIS year. I do approve of this idea, but feel it should wait until next year.
  3. Julio STRANGLES

    agree with este
  4. DJ Balkan Ramadanske♥

    Okay then, but we need at least 20 votes saying Yes or it won't be passed ):
  5. Lilly.. Y U NO ALIEN?

    I support this idea :)

    I think it would be a bit too much, to be honest. In the past, there were tries with Junior Contests, Christmas Contests and that did not work. We have a successful Spin-off now with the Eurovision Edition, so I honestly think it would be bit too much.
  7. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    I'm a little sceptical purely from the perspective that, as Nick has already said, we've tried numerous formats before and none have really endured the test of time. Also one thing that sets the escChat song contest apart from the 5.7 million other ones on the internet is that NF songs have never been allowed. That and our glorious leader ofc.

    It is worth pointing out however that I'm not saying no, I'm simply not massively enthusiastic about the idea *yet*.

    Edit: Also I didn't watch a single NF this year, so me entering a song would be a bit meaningless really.

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