•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!


  1. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

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  2. Kevin New Member

    i know!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    im so excited for her :D

    maybe people are buying it, because they think shes leona lewis :P
  3. Aaron N Moof master

    *throws packet after packet of man towels at jonny*

    i do believe you'll be needing these :P lmao
  4. ollie2283 jedan sam čekao je ovdje!

    well i think the news concerning the armenian sisters bering burned to death following accusations of witchcraft is more important
    but go agnes and her radio loved song
    im joking btw...
  5. This is all rather funny really :D as "On And On", "Release Me" and her album "Dance Love Pop" were all available on UK iTunes the day they were released in Sweden...but then they took them away when Agnes was coming to the UK for real :P

    Anyway, I wet myself when I saw yesterday! Sweden is (very, very) slowly taking over muahahaha :D but let's remember this is only the iTunes chart and without a physical CD single for sale, the best she'll do is about number 10 on Sunday, like Rybak.
  6. ollie2283 jedan sam čekao je ovdje!

    in other esc news i have recovered an andorran youtube video... sesne tu!!!
    funny thing is at 1 33 she looks like madam paparizou.... see for yourself...

    i had no idea she spoke catalan!!!
  7. Wow, fantastic news :D She won the prestigious escChat song contest, and now she's number 2 in the UK top 100 :P Go Agnes!
  8. Kevin New Member

    OMG! i was watching 4Music this morning, and she was #2 in their top 10 of the day :o

    although they cut down her song :(
  9. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    No no no they probably just played the UK edit :) The original release is over 4 minutes long, but the version that being sold in the UK is about 3 minutes long, which is probably the one they played making you think it was cut down cos obv we're used to the long one ;)
  10. Kevin New Member

    yep that was exactly it :P - how slampy :@

    and they ruined the star pilots video too by putting all them slampas in it - it was better originally. and they ruined Boten Anna!

    at least they kept her video - shame they cut bits off though :(

    but OMG 2nd place :o she might actually do well here! :D (how is she doing in i tunes?)
  11. She's still holding on at number 2!!! :D Go Agnes - boom boom pow! :P

    And yes, sadly that's how you sell and promote dance music in the UK. It doesn't matter how shite the song is, bung in a couple a semi-naked slags and you've got yourself a hit ;) Velvet's video for "Fix Me (UK Edit)" is rather slampatastic too...
  12. Kevin New Member

  13. Kevin New Member

    and just look at the covers for Star Pilots:

    UK version

    i mean really - thats not Star Pilots is it?

    Incredibly slampy if you ask me :P
  14. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    LMAO I just watched the Star Pilot's UK video and it is the most shamlessly-slaggy music video i've ever seen!!!!!! Also it manages to be uber-gay and uber-slaggy at the same time, which is quite an achievement I think ... if not neccesarily one to be very proud of :P
  15. That just says it all :rolleyes:
  16. Kevin New Member

    If people knew who star pilots really were, they would never buy their songs ;)
  17. calrisle Scrutineer

    It's effing tremendous news, and of course, completely justified. It's an utter delight to see someone of amazing quality like Agnes in the charts, and it's also brilliant to see that there's still clearly a gap in the UK market for a chunk of amazing Scandipop!

    A top ten placing in the UK from an artist who six weeks ago nobody in the UK had heard of (apart from Swedish expats MF-slampas like myself) is nothing short of an amazing achievement. Hopefully the placing will secure at least another single release, if not an album deal here.

    Storbrittanien älskar Agnes! Woo!
  18. As E-Type and NaNa once sang "hold your horses!" Agnes hasn't charted YET :D but with a bit of luck she'll be top 10! Patte informed me "Dance Love Pop" was released in the UK a few days ago...but he's not really a reliable source :D

    Swedish expats and MF-loons FTW!!!
  19. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    AGNES IS AT NUMBER 1!!! (in the UK itunes top 100!)

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  20. Kevin New Member


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