•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Malmö!

R.I.P dear Eurovision artist.

  1. Yesterday it happened. Today we got to know about it.

    As it says on mbl.is:
    Tónlistarmaðurinn Sigurjón Brink, betur þekktur sem Sjonni Brink, varð bráðkvaddur að heimili sínu í Garðabæ í gærkvöldi. Hann var 36 ára gamall.
    Sigurjón var fæddur í Reykjavík 29. ágúst 1974. Hann lætur eftir sig eiginkonu, Þórunni Ernu Clausen, og fjögur börn.
    Sigurjón fór snemma að starfa við tónlist og semja lög. Hann var einn af stofnendum leikhópsins Vesturports og tók þátt í að semja tónlistina við leikritið Brim í uppsetningu leikhópsins.
    Hann tók nokkrum sinnum þátt í Söngvakeppni Sjónvarpsins og lag hans komst í úrslit í keppninni nú.

    The musician Sigurjón Brink, better known as Sjonni Brink, past away very suddenly at his home in Garðabæ last night. He was 36 years old.
    Sigurjón was born in Reykjavík 29th August 1974. He died away from his wife, Þórunn Erna Clausen and four children.
    Sigurjón started soon making music and writing songs. He was one of the founders of the theater group Vesturport and composed the music for the famous play called Brim.
    He entered Eurovision few times (NFL) and this year his song is in.

    For you who have not heard of this fine young man who died way to early, I'm going to put links for two of his songs here below.

    NFL 2010 where he sings his own song : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNpquyHc4Lo

    One of his best songs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kV-n3Ng_4g0

    Sjonni Brink was a great musician who deserves his memory to be held up and I wish his song, his legacy good luck this year.
    Sjonni, hvíl í friði. Þú rokkar.

    R.I.P. Sjonni Brink
  3. Narmina New Member

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