Hi, The semi-final show will be broadcast live at either 7pm or 10:15pm UK time tonight. Whichever of the two times is to be confirmed later, but it will most likely be 10:15pm. It will be shown at the usual place.
It's a bit too late for that time now Jonny looks like we've missed it... *tumbleweed rolls past* erm, 22:!5 please jw tah.
I am going out tonight , and propably i'll come home a bit later . But it's ok ; I'll look at the results tomorrow . Good luck to everybody
RESULTS SHOW IS POSTPONED. Write here what you think is the best time for the show tomorrow (Sunday, 18/10)... imo it should be before 9:00 PM UK time (let's not forget the people who live outside of the UK)
I'd prefer some time between 6:30pm and 7:30pm. Incidentally, if people hadn't left, we could've done the show at 10:30pm today but too many left thinking it'd been postponed. Oh well
The results show has been sent to Livestream now. Edit: That must've been the fastest processing I've ever seen with Livestream... it's been less than 10 minutes after it was sent and they've already finished their processing so it's ready. There will be no further delays. The broadcast will take place tonight around 6pm-7pm UK.
Yay Maybe it works better in the mornings cos there tends to be less people using it Anyway yeah 6-7 is perfect
YESSSSSSSSSS ECONOMICS WAS CANCELLED!!!!!!! Yup jw the show was fantastic as ever And also it was great to have nearly all the semi participants there watching
Didn't run so smoothly for me, but I have a crap wireless connection. Can't say I'm not disappointed I didn't qualify, but at least the show looked good
New voting rule for Arbana: Before the semi i told u in the chat, that i wont give points to songs i already know... U said this would be unfair. But still i stay with this rule... IN THE SEMI! In a semifianl i want to give my points to songs which i havent known till then... Because i can talk only for me when i say: I cant compare song i already know and have a emotional relation to with songs i just got to know... I will go on NOT giving points to songs i alreday know and to not support them in the semi... this time half of the songs i already knew came through the semi... So more than 30 countries outvoted me and made many of the famous songs come through.. They are now in the final and i cant change but respect that... SO in the final i will vote also for the songs i already know, as i heard every song in the final often enough until then.... In short... i will still try to support unknown GOOD song (ofc) in the semi... but if u vote known song into the final i will bend and respect aour desicion... and in the final i will vote for for EVERY song i like, also the knwn ones... is THAT a comprmise? i think yes... because with my vote i can at most kick out one song anyway...