•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Semifinal 2: who will you vote for?

  1. Mina Member with a "past"

    My votes will go to:
    a/Estonia (20 votes for this one, I desperately want it in the final)
    d/ Croatia

    Those are from me. I'll also vote twice for Hungary (for Chris:P), for Ireland (for Jonny:P), Denmark (for Stockholm:P) and Lithuania (for another friend).
  2. c1ask0 Napkin of death holder

    As Mina already stated, two votes from me to Hungayry. I think we should appeal to have the spelling of this country official changed in honour of Gaydok Zoli. :D

    Actually, I don't think there's anything you can't put gay on!
    Dima Gaylan
    Gaybra Dex Award
    Gaydic Sheep

    the list is endless! :P
  3. ollie2283 jedan sam čekao je ovdje!

    i wouuld have just voted estonia and denmark but the uk dont vote
    i think tuesdays jury was either malta sweden portugal or romania
    i think todays will be either croatia hungary denmark or ireland
  4. Mina Member with a "past"

    I hope the jury's vote will go to Cyprus.
  5. Aaron N Moof master

    if i was able to vote in this semi i would vote lithuania, ireland and Estonia but i can't :( its probably for the best after what happened tuesday lmao

    i think the jury vote tonight wil go to either lithuania, cyprus or albaina.

    *hopes mina picks up the hint and adds extra votes in for me :P lmao*

    MINA, Darling.

    Seeing as I voted for Waldo (all for you :D) you MUST repay the favour...

    Lmao, only joking, I decide who to vote for after watching all the performances....

    If only I could vote for Andorra....
  7. Kevin New Member

    you mean me? :P

  8. Kevin New Member

    omg!!! Hungary!!!!!! :D
  9. Mark New Member

    I can't vote, but I'm very busy tonight cutting down all the phone lines for Norway this evening ....

    But if I could vote it'll be between Estonia and Moldova ...
  10. Cheers a bunch love -.-

    Anyway, thank you Mina for making this thread, I was going to do it but then I realised it was just going to be "Semi Two: Mina's Vote - everybody nag Mina for who they want to be voted for!"

    If I could I would vote for:
    - Estonia (loads of times)
    - Albania (a couple)
    - Cyprus (a couple)
    - Slovakia (once)
    - Hungary (once)

    I would ask you to vote for Albania and Cyprus but as you've said, the rest of Greece pretty much has those to countries on auto-redial :P You've already got 2 votes for Hungary :rolleyes: and I wont traumatize you by forcing you to vote for Tomas' 'shouty' conquerers...so if you wouldn't mind, just vote for Estonia all you can :D (and remember I did vote for Waldo - twice!)
  11. My favourites tonight:


    Mina will vote for Denmark for me (THANKS!) and Sara Norway has promised to vote for Ireland for me :P
  12. Marko FOR LIFE New Member

    I will vote for:
    1.Lidia Kopania
    2.Sasha Song
    3.Igor Cukrov
    I hope Cyprus and Norway won't qualify (of favourites)!!!

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