•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Sheepmark's Promo

  1. I know, I know...how very Nova Nova Scotia of me. :P

    Originally Sheepmark had planned to withdraw from the contest after edition 20 but, by special request of this edition's host, have applied one last time. This is the first time I have promoted an entry of mine in ages; I want to try and separate this song from what has gone before - alternatively you could view this as a sort of 'unofficial' entry. I haven't really deliberated or laboured over whether to send this song - I just did.

    My entry is performed and written by an American band from New York. They focused on the lyrics and let the music and production come naturally afterward, purely as a form of accompaniment. The song is a mixture of dream pop, shoe gaze and a blend of electronic elements which reminded me of some of my favourite musical acts most notably Bat For Lashes, My Bloody Valentine and Beach House. It has one of the most amazing music videos I have seen for quite a while so I implore you to watch it fully and not just skip over it if at first you don't like it. :)

    All in all, I'd say that my entry is the sound of the dull throb of heartache, which I'm sure most of us here have experienced.

    Best wishes and good luck to everyone competing in this edition!
  2. Estêvão Did you ever know that you're (JW) my hero

    Hmmm....looks around for someone...
  3. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    Don't you dare.
  4. Dingo "Who's Online" page Fan#1

    Hey let's not make a big deal out of it! How about not announcing your withdrawal and just taking part when you feel like it ;) Then no need to explain!

    Anyway, wb Sheep(mark)! Another top 3 spot taken I should imagine haha.
  5. Julio STRANGLES

    but you wont though
  6. Who would ever do that, skip over it :S

    Lol at Beach House, will explain later :)
  7. Whaaa?

    Why saying you are withdrawing? That's just.. kinda stupid tbh?
    Anyways, promo looks great, may the best entry win.

    nnnQn (yes, I have added a note to EMPHASIZE this point). If I ever stop taking part in the contest I will still be here. I was here at the birth of the site and I will always be here until the day Kevin finally decides to put away his collection of Tie Break/D'NASH screenshots for runking purposes to become more skilled in the field of Information Technology than Our Dear Leader (NOT POSSIBLE) so as to enslave us all and make us play in the FoF forever more. (n.b. for the worriers amongst you, this will never happen).

    I genuinely had never thought of that. My world is becoming increasingly black and white, so I'm glad I have people like you to show my the spectrum of greys which lie in between. :D On a different note completely, I think top 15 is out of the question with this entry, let alone top 3.

    That I won't, lad.

    idknu. You must look inside to find the answer CHOSON.
  9. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

  11. What do you mean :S
  12. I only just realised this was my 600th post. What an EXC way to use it.

    I genuinely don't know :P I was just being silly. I know there are some people who only watch recaps, or small portions of the songs (also, I wasn't implying you were one of those people, don't worry ;).
  13. :)
  14. Luis DLC I spread Eurovision joy in the US, oy

    Recap/clip watchers :ninja:
  15. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

  16. Mina Member with a "past"

    Sheep, I'm so glad you changed your mind..baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;D
  17. Kristiina sxesov q.f


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