•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Song of Escchat Contest - Details

  1. Julio STRANGLES

    if that happens the votes would not be counted, and only the votes from those that are in would ofc
  2. Liam Esterran.

    I would like to request that Wodongaria be not used in this game.

    YOU have deleted my reference to you saying Thick cow, so the whole thing now doesn't make sense.
  4. I liked Julio's idea of letting people vote for the song to represent a country. I trust no one will vote tactically ;)
  5. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    r8 naive you are dearest
  6. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    Huge shock there. :rolleyes:
  7. Liam Esterran.

    So is your face! #superburn
  8. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    I don't know what that means so I am going to trundle out my standard reply in such situations: rude.
    pepepaez and Liam like this.
  9. Gian My avatar is fat and frumpy

    Wow Julio!!!!
    Moldijan Would be proud to be a part of it.
    Can we?
  10. Julio STRANGLES

    Of course not. What a preposterous request.
    matthewbell32 likes this.

    Did I miss something here? Did jw miraculously change into Julio? (A change for the better obv :D)
    MagicGianluk likes this.
  12. Mina Member with a "past"

    Song of 80's? :P
    Anyway, I'm in of course.
  13. Julio STRANGLES

    you can't ofc
    MagicGianluk likes this.
  14. matthewbell32 Du kommer alltid vara nummer 1 för mig

  15. MORKMINDY Weird Person :D

    Nice idea :) Count me in also if possible :P xD
    Julio likes this.
  16. mrvirgo Active Member

    i also want to participate:D
    Julio likes this.
  17. Estêvão Did you ever know that you're (JW) my hero

    Well, I guess I should enter, if for no other reason than to help Mina/JanJan from being the first Eliminated.
    Nessie and Julio like this.
  18. swissBoy Active Member

    u can add me too:D
    Julio likes this.

    I think you've been edited again Jules :D
    Julio likes this.
  20. Curtis Belgium is a non country.

    and me
    Julio likes this.

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