Translation from the article:
We shall triumph like last year!
But Per Sundnes doubts there will be another Alexander Rybak next year.. NRK's television celebrity Per Sundnes (43) is also this year awarded to be the co-host of next year's Melodi Grand Prix 2010. At the moment he is busy with working on the preperations for the Norwegian selection, only months after Norway's victory at the Eurovision Song Contest.
Even though Alexander Rybak's victory will be remarked as one of the biggest pinnacles in Norway's history at the Eurovision circus, Per Sundnes and the NRK stab promis the audience and fans that next year's edition in Oslo will be the best show ever hosted,
- Our show will be giant! We will for sure try to beat the Moscow edition which was amazing as well.
NRK has already revealed that many big names are on the submission list for the pre-selection. The submission deadline was on September 1st, and Per Sundnes does also promis that even the national final will be great,
- Correct, there are many big names this time but of course we do mainly focus on the quality of the songs, because this is a
song contest. I do really look forward to everything!
Even though Per Sundnes hopes to find another victorious performer as Alexander Rybak, he does also on the other hand doubt that there is one among the names on the submission list,
- I don't think we'll find another Rybak. But this will be fun anyway!
Another translation of an article:
This is the affection Rybak has made!
Never has so many musicians submitted their request in joining the Norwegian pre-selection before like now,
- It's obvious that Alexander Rybak's victory in Moscow has tempted many talented people, says Per Sundnes.
September 1st 2009 was the deadline to send in songs. The project leader for the upcoming Melodi Grand Prix 2010 Leif Åge Reme has for long time ago given up on sorting out the letters from anxious musicians. His office is crowded with all different kinds of letters. Never has it been like this for NRK,
Do we see a Rybak affection her?
- Probably true. Alexander Rybak has shown the public how to win this tough contest, and how much it means for your future career. I think there are many composers and musicians out there who are really tempted by Rybak's performance in Moscow.
A new Alexander?
This week will be the start of the periode where they will sort out the requests and choose lucky finalists.
- Many hours of listening to the songs will take much of our time before we take any decisions.
- We've got requests from all over the country, and we are all looking forward to hear them soon. It's fantastic to see that so many people have sent its entries, and now their destiny lies on our shoulders.
The project leader reveals that they've got ca. 1000 song requests in joining this year's national final, which is the double of how many people have sent in the previous selections (that means NRK in general gets ca 500 requests). He promises that everybody who've sent will get a straight answer soon, but also that it will take time. The project leader believes there's a Rybak among the submitted songs.
- Why not? With so many requests of course there should be a-like Rybak there!
NRK's tv-host Per Sundnes is over-satisfied with the news and thinks that the interest for Eurovision has increased in the country. He also has a long wishlist for what kind of musicians he wishes to see next year in the preselection,
- I have a long wish list. I hope we can get entries with mix of music from West-Norway, cold electronica from Tromsø and maybe something really hard rock.
But do you think any of them are like Rybak?
- Maybe. But it will be hard to find though. What I can guarantee you is that NRK and Dinamo will make a huge party, and the rest must the finalists decide. Alexander's success is great for him,but what I bother about is that MGP shall be a good program. Therefore, we can't live with only one Alexander, we must have 21 fantastic finalists. It's also important for me that the finalists will have a great time while competing, says Per Sundnes.
- My focus is on the Melodi Grand Prix, and not the Eurovision Song Contest 2010. That is already taking good care of by NRK and Dinamo.