•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Sweden 2009


Do you like "La Voix"?

Poll closed 23rd April 2009.
Yes, it's the best song ever made! 3 vote(s) 33.3%
Yes, I adooore it!!! 3 vote(s) 33.3%
Yes, I love it!!! 0 vote(s) 0.0%
I like it :) 2 vote(s) 22.2%
No, because I'm a jealous, Rybak-loving Norwayish person... 1 vote(s) 11.1%
  1. "Out of the light, like a star, like a hero - love will survive!"


    Hej hej allihoppa!!! Today is the best day in the whole ESC calendar - Sweden day!!! We are going to celebrate everything schlagery, glittery, fabulous (and not so fabulous in the case of "Las Vegas" :P) about the most successful, loved (and hated) Nordic Nation!

    Let's have a little look at Malena's wonderful winning performance (instead of the crap-tastic video): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZlH1JAh4vM

    ...and vote in the poll - a poll with a difference ;)

    Kram o' puss xox

    p.s. This will be my last post/communication in this group for a while as I'm going to be doing lots of revision, but I promise to vote in the exciting (and very pikey) ESC chat song contest!

    Hej då - tack och förlåt!!! :P
  2. Mina Member with a "past"

    I wouldn't say it's the best song ever made but I adore it and I love Malena.
    Goooooooooooooo Sweden :D
  3. calrisle Scrutineer

    Hmm, I've clicked the 'best song ever made' option, as it's the most extreme expression of amazingness I can click, but clearly Sheep, 'Hero' is actually the best song ever made. I'm planning a radical rejig of my top ten, as I've recently woken up to the true astonishing wonder and brilliance of Patricia Kaas, but Sweden I think may just edge it for my 12.

    You gonna be doing a BlogTV or anything tonight Sheep?

    Jag älskar Malena, jag älskar Sverige, och jag älskar alla dig!

    Dave x
  4. Aaron N Moof master

    its amazing!!!!!! i loooove la voix! and melena is fab fab fab!!

    sweden ftw!!!! :D:D
  5. Haha, of course it is :P how could I be so forgetful. I made that option with reference to the other songs in Eurovision this year, which in my opinion, are severely below-par :P But "La Voix" truly is an epic Kempe-stomper...

    And no :( unfortunately I couldn't get my webcam to work on time (which is a shame because I had some great things planned e.g. my special rendition of "The Queen") so I am officially handing the sacred duties over to you, as a super-fan of Sverige! You are now officially The Princess - make your country proud!

    Glad to see noone is a jealous, Rybak-loving Norwayish person....at least not yet :P
  6. calrisle Scrutineer

    OMFG! An OFFICIAL handover from the Sheep! Tack sååååååååå mycket!!

    Jag lovar mig ska gör dig stolt på den Sverige natten! (I promise to make you proud on Sweden night!) Melodavestivalen final AND Sweden night - a BlogTV to remember tonight, methinks! I think I might get drunk as well so that it adds that extra element of nervous expectation and the sense that 'anything could happen'. It will also make me more inclined to copy Sheep's idea of a performance of 'The Queen'...

    Vitwine ahoy!

    BlogTV from 7, Melodavestivalen from 8, more crazy-ass fun afterwards!

    See you all later!! :D

    Dave x
  7. Kevin New Member

    its altright, but with such a great selection, including Alcazar and SDF, im sad this got picked :(
  8. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    I voted I like it :D Admittedly it is one of my least favourite Swedish entries of recent, however I do think the performance at MF was magical and if they can recreate that on stage in Moscow then I wouldn't be surprised to see Sweden in the top 5! :D

    They still should have sent HEAT, Nina or Velvet though!!! :D
  9. Mark New Member

    I was gonna vote no, but saw because I'm a jealous, Rybak-loving Norwayish person... urgh, I'll have to vote like, but Malena is pretty darn crap live, her voice is bad in the opera as well as the cher-wannabe moments, and the song is just too cheesy ( not Rybak cheesy though) It is like one of those crappy little football athemns at a worldcup... plus the lyrics are just shockingly bad ... plus she knocked out La Emilia !! :@
  10. I also admit that H.E.A.T and Nina were my favourites but I adore La Voix too :P

    I look forward to this evening :D
  11. Patte Member

    I adore La voix :D but its not the best song ever made :P

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