•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Swedish televotes

  1. Semi final:

    Iceland- 35 994
    Finland - 31 988
    Bosnia & Hercegovina - 30 688
    Turkey - 13 685
    Israel - 8 621
    Armenia - 7 397
    Malta - 4 820
    Portugal - 4 394
    Switzerland - 4 251
    Belarus - 3 200
    Montenegro - 2 988
    Macedonia - 2 986
    Andorra - 2 676
    Romania - 2 594
    Belgium - 1 655
    Czech Republic - 831
    Bulgaria - 725

    Totally 159 493


    Norway - 136 171
    Iceland - 58 151
    Bosnia-Hercegovina - 57 818
    Finland - 47 722
    Azerbaijan - 39 145
    Turkey - 33 709
    Denmark - 26 635
    Estonia- 24 244
    Albania - 20 698
    Armenia - 15 918
    Greece - 14 450
    The UK - 12 854
    Israel - 9 457
    Malta - 8 535
    Ukraine - 8 229
    Germany - 7 930
    Portugal - 7 894
    Romania - 7 638
    Lithuania - 7 446
    Moldova - 6 131
    France - 4 916
    Russia - 3 810
    Croatia - 3 752
    Spain - 3 672

    Totally 566 925 votes
  2. I do love that you release all the televoting numbers every year :) I wish every country would do it too!

    But OMG :o Spain came last in the televoting! And "La noche es para mí" was meant to be released by the same label that released "Fairytale" (Lionheart International AB) and Jade came very close to getting 1 point! :P sure you and Patte couldn't have made another 3000 phonecalls? :D :P lmao
  3. And wasn't Soraya supposed to release a Swedish version of "La noche es para mi" ? :S

    LOL. Funny thing is that Greece and The UK have charted in Sweden but Denmark and Albania have not :P
  4. Stine Mendez New Member

    I do love the Swedes...:D

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