NOTE that T4 is beginning imminently. It will be a Christmas show, but as you will have noticed with the delays with T2 and T3, it takes many months to prepare the final results video. Therefore we're starting in July to give me enough time to get it done by December. To this end, I need to know who wants to participate. Please confirm in this post. You must confirm by Friday 10th July at 21:30 UK time. The pairing draw will take place in chat on Saturday 11th July at 21:00 UK time. Provisionally, the song/team information submission window will open straight after the draw and will run until Sunday 19th July at 21:30 UK time and the songs will be revealed on Saturday 25th July. Voting will take place from then until 2nd August, by which time I will need to have received your votes via PM. You will have until 9th August to send me your audio or video clip. Remember, if you video voted in the past, you will be required to video vote again. If you audio voted in the past, you may send an audio or video vote. Of course, video is always preferred. Anybody who is currently eligible to participate in the escChat Song Contest may sign up by replying to this thread. All dates above are provisional and subject to change. Those who do not participate will lose eligibility for the main contest (and any associated spinoffs) until the results show for T4 has been broadcast in December.
Nothing would give me greater pleasure than participating in the 4th Team edition of the escChat Song Contest