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the new site

  1. kotsios Call me Kots. Potter Kots

    Dear escchatters,

    I hope that you all love the new appearance of this site. I also hope that the new site will be a new start for the relationships of the members.

    But the real purpose of this post is to thank the "man" (I expect a punishment for the use of quotation marks) who is responsible for all this: JW worked really hard the last few days (and nights) to present this masterpiece in time to us. Flyer was of course delaying him by refusing to strip and by causing a lot of other problems but his evil plans weren't able to stop the site from "resurrecting".

    And because I don't want this to be long, I just want to end by saying that the unpleasant events of the night that the site was closed down lead to this great new site (so next time we need a renovation we know what to do ;))!

    Feel free to share your opinion :D

    Your idol,

    PS: All links will be working soon
  2. Estêvão Did you ever know that you're (JW) my hero

    Praise Him from whom all blessings flow...

    Much thanks to JW, for all of the hard work he has done in renovating this site and making it even better than ever!

    You DA man jw! No need for Quotes there! :D
  3. I love the new site :D
  4. Mina Member with a "past"

    It looks awesome...even with my dizzy eyes, I can see that. Great job:D
  5. Alex Identified Flying Object

    Kots i'll kill ya!:o

    That's a bit more than rofl , coz u let all the members of the site know about our trivia secret... Still,NO STRIPING from me. end off

    As of the new look , we all congratulate jw and his workers-testers , Kots and Este , for this great job;). And NO you couldn't make me feel jealous , you partners in crime:o

    Anyway , thank ya jw !! :lots of kisses:
  6. Kristiina sxesov q.f

    It awesome. Can't describe it. Just awesome. :D
  7. kotsios Call me Kots. Potter Kots

    thanks for reminding me!! im still waiting for a payment for being his alpha-tester
  8. Alex Identified Flying Object

    JW that was for pressing me to strip and for trying me to feel jealous:o:o:o
  9. 영광스런 지도자 감사합니다!!!
  10. Alex Identified Flying Object

    :o:o:o 한국 사회와 통화할 수 있을까요????!!!!!
    난 동물을 사랑, 내 사랑 양들이여!
  11. kotsios Call me Kots. Potter Kots

    이 단지 당신이 위치를 보여줍니다 : gliftis

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