I'd love to take part! hopefully my schedule clears up a bit soon! (or maybe my partner would prefer otherwise )
The first three teams to be announced in The Seventh Team Edition are: Das Boot Wunderneath Trevor Three more will be announced tomorrow. Feel free to guess which members may be participating as these team pairings, but please do not confirm or deny your involvement in any team.
Das Boot - I'm going to guess Chris and Norm for this one, basically down to the fact that it's a german film and Chris strikes me as somebody who would particularly enjoy a good viewing. Wunderneath - I'll put dan and Julio down for this one - they both sent Wincent Weiss in the past. Trevor - like Trevor McDonald? Sokko and Anette because the idea of the two of them being tacked with him amuses me.
Das Boot - Nessie and Ron because a quick google search says there is a movie about a submarine on a journey between Germany France and Spain Wunderneath - Nick and Berk because somehow i associate the name with Holland and Germany Trevor - a combo of the portuguese word trevo and its translation into english clover so Teo and Pedro
Das Boot - Janet and Pedro enjoying a sub together Wunderneath - James and Ron wundering what to send Trevor - Julio and Nessie playing Welsh
Hmm... I have long been convinced that Chris and Ron are in a team together, so the immediate thought is that Das Boot is them as it's a German film - and series. (It's great btw if you haven't seen it; the series is better than the film just by virtue that it's all there, uncut.) But that doesn't really have any Chris-type relevance. However, Wunderneath could be them for the wunder(bar) Ron, and Chris ofc finds himself underneath us all geographically. So I shall go with Wunderneath for them. So Das Boot - Ana who likes a nice pair of boots and Milton, who is always getting the boot/kicked. Trevor - Sok and Rigmo, not named after Sir Trevor McDonald (as if Sok would allow that) but after the other Sir Trevor: Brooking. Memories of when England were great(er than they are now). Rigmo is so amenable he'll agree to anything.
Das Boot - Norman (only Germans are proud of that boat) and Bas (it was in La Rochelle where he was a digital nomad) Wunderneath - Teodor and Hanita (wunder sounds Geman, Teodor is a wunderful person ) Trevor - Genesis and Daisy (probably the name of one of their lovers)