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[TRANS] Sad news for Anna Bergendahl

  1. Eurovizz Member

    "Anna Bergendahl is forced to stay alone in Oslo"


    Gonna translate the article at my best with my poor English, lol:)

    Anna Bergendahl (18) - the Swedish representative for the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest in Oslo, is unfortunaly set to arrive in Oslo alone, without friends or family besides her when she will concour European hearts with "This Is My Life".

    The Norwegian capital city is too expensive for her family and friends to stay from most of her days in the host city. My friends can't afford in being in Oslo, Anna Bergendahl states.

    It costs a lot to have a trip to Oslo in general, which seems to unfortunaly affect Anna Bergendahl in prior to the contest in Norway. Since the Swedish delegation already are destined to face huge bills for their stay in the Norwegian capital city, the young Swedish representative has to prepare herself without having any near relatives besides her.
    - My family and friends will spiritually support me back home in Sweden, she says.

    However, Anna's parents are set to arrive in Oslo as late as on May 27th, despite Anna having to spend her first ten days in Oslo without any near contacts and support.
    - My parents will come to Oslo to at least watch my semi final. If I qualify, we'll see later how it goes.

    The prices on food, alcohol, hotel, fun activities and tobacco are in a much higher level than in Sweden. A single package of eggs costs 40 SEK (4 EURO, 3,6 £), a liter of milk ca. 12 SEK (1,08 £ and 1,25 EURO) and one package of cigarettes 68 SEK (7,11 EURO, 6,13 £).

    To eat in a Norwegian restaurant is also a lot more expensive than here in Sweden, even if you choose the least expensive ones in Oslo. In 2008, The Economist confirmed that the most expensive Big Mac could be bought in Oslo, Norway.

    During the first ten days, Anna will be togheter with staff people from SVT and other people who are working with her make up, clothes etc.
    - My choir, coreographer, vocal teacher, make up artists, PR advicers, SVT staff and Christer Björkman will be togheter with me in Oslo. Despite not being able to have friends and family most of the time beside me, it will be fun in Oslo anyway, Anna says.

    SOURCE; http://www.expressen.se/noje/musik/1.1987953/anna-bergendahl-tvingas-att-ladda-ensam-i-oslo
  2. Liam Esterran.

    Poor Anna.

    Mind, when I was 18 I was living and working in China as an English teacher, teaching 14 classes a week of 70+ kids.

    I'm sure Anna can handle 10 days in Oslo without her family.

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