•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Watch Trackshittaz new video

  1. Mina Member with a "past"

    It's about their experience after Baku, given in a funny way and I find it so cool that they made something like that. I also like the song, I think this might have done better in eurovision. Watch and commment :D

    Jonas Persson likes this.
  2. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

  3. So do I :D I like it.
  4. FreeVen New Member

    They're really cool :)
    Mina likes this.
  5. James ... and his things xD

    That's where sok got the mustard (hahaha, I love translated proverbs)
  6. sokrates1988 I HATE EUROVISION

    I honestly never even saw this post before, i just found the song on youtube while scouring for Austrian songs.

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