•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Aurela Gace Promo Tour - Turqi

  1. DJ Balkan Ramadanske♥

    Albania's Aurela Gaçe has started her promo tour in Turqi, she went on numerous of Turkish TV shows and she will be heading to several Balkan countries to continue her promo tour.

    I will be focusing with top new of Aurela in the coming months :)

    Here are some photos of Aurela while in Turqi




  2. tinada Good luck to everyone

    :me: nice song good luck!
    Jorggito likes this.
  3. DJ Balkan Ramadanske♥

    You mean :al: lol<3
    Lilly.. likes this.
  4. DJ Balkan Ramadanske♥

    Aurela was in Amsterdam, for the Eurovision Concert!

    Here are some videos:

    Enjoy watching the videos :)
  5. DJ Balkan Ramadanske♥

    After the visit in Greece and in Holland, Aurela continues her promo tour in Belarus, Ukraine and Azerbaijan. :D

    RTSH, the Albanian broadcaster is doing this year a lot of effort to promote their Eurovision entry Feel the Passion.

    Aurela will fly tomorrow to Belarus and will continue her promo tour in Ukraine and Azerbaijan.

    During this tour, Aurela will join live programs on TV and will meet the local press media.

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