•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Belgian jury results (shocking!)

  1. Mina Member with a "past"

    1 p Azerbaijan
    2 p Estonia
    3 p Russia
    4 p Lithuania
    5 p Turkey
    6 p Germany
    7 p Norway
    8 p Moldova
    10 p Portugal
    12 p Israel

    I can't believe the Belgian jury voted for Turkey and Germany and didn't give half a point to the Uk or France or Iceland :o

    The final Belgian points were like this:

    1p France (apparently the public appreciated Patricia more than the jury!!!)
    2p Germany
    3p Azerbaijan
    4p Moldova
    5p Greece
    6p Portugal
    7p Armenia
    8p Israel
    10p Norway
    12p Turkey
  2. I'm liking their top 3 and the 2 points to Estonia but you're right - absolutely shocking taste! :o
  3. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    ROFL!! Well the juries are there to vote for the songs they like most, or the songs that appeal to them the most ... they are still human after all!! But yeh giving points to Germany & Turkey but not to Iceland especially is a bit weird :P BUT HEY, I suppose thats what the juries are for!
  4. Mina Member with a "past"

    Actually I was more shocked about France because Patricia has had big success in Belgium and she sang in French (one of Belgium's official languages so they could 'connect' to the song more than the non-French speaker).
  5. Mark New Member

    Well although the Belgian were silly not giving loads to France, and sending crap - tut tut

    Their jury had an AMAZING top 3 :D:D
  6. c1ask0 Napkin of death holder

    Here are the results of the Belgian televote:

    12 Turkey
    10 Armenia
    8 Greece
    7 Norway
    6 Azerbaijan
    5 France

    It's not possible to calculate anything else. ;)

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